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Everything posted by goDel

  1. wow good luck, stephen. what are the expectations at this point? did the doctors give any?
  2. No...The idea is they would have actual stuff to complain about. Stuff directly relating to their own lives. Although they wouldn't because they have to work hard to stay alive. Literally. Abstract thought in the sense of complaining about stuff happening in other countries which doesn't directly impact your personal life is a privilege, not a competence.
  3. Haha! A prime example of first world problems: Venting about things which don't have any direct relationship with personal life whatsoever. Brilliant! Plus 2 meta points!
  4. Huh? Are you personally involved, or anything? I mean, more than average Joe?
  5. Why would you even consider accounting? Forget about that past education and look towards the future.
  6. Care to elaborate? I feel the people that didn't like this movie, are the people who thinks it lacks a morale or a point. But does everything has to have a morale or point? I don't think so, it was actually nice to see a movie that didn't shove some idealistic shit into your face for once. The humor couldn't be much more offensive and immoral, and that was just to make the ride as ridiculous and crazy as possible. Haven't seen anything like it before, that alone makes this movie incredible to me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't sympathize with the protagonist at all. That Jordan Belfort dude must be the biggest asshole ever if just 2% of this movie is true. But again, it was just nice to see something different. I thought it was a good movie and assume it's actually pretty close to how wall street actually thinks. Chen posted a good article the other day about how these people are actually money junkies. The only scenes where I actually thought I was looking at a comedy was when they were at the swiss bank, and the scene where they took overdate lemon 714s. The way he opened his Lambo with his foot.... So much lols. ;D Most of the time it just felt like a hyperbolic version of a feel good drama with a bad ending. I'm afraid that, if given the opportunity, lots of people would behave like the biggest asshole ever.
  7. O great. Now my mom issues get involved into listening to this track as well. This is not lush!
  8. Persona by Ingmar Bergman. - 10/10 A classic. IMO, still as relevant as the day it was released. Compared to a modern "think-movie" like "Her", "Persona" doesn't feel slow or boring at all. Which is completely unusual for a movie this old. The psychological tension is constantly there and keeps the movie going. Which says a lot about the acting, the cinematography and the writing. Truly incredible.
  9. Her - Mixed feelings. It's thought provoking, beautifully shot and with eye for details, but it's still a bit boring. The story moves really slow. The thing develops like a turtle. And most of all, i guess, the annoying character Joaquin plays doesn't help at all. Still a 7/10 though.
  10. Please tell me what the right side of history looks like...

    1. usagi


      it looks like my right ass-cheek. and the wrong side looks like my left one.

    2. may be rude

      may be rude

      its the side with the best propagandists

    3. ambermonk
  11. Exai vinyl was 5 minutes per Euro. Exai was an outlier. One euro per AE bliss is the well-known norm.
  12. Less than one euro for each minute of autechre bliss
  13. Although I agree that talking to people can be really helpful, the thing about talking to your family can be a really painful tip because the family situation can be a real toxic one and completely opposite to being helpful. So being in a depression and getting tips about talking to your family could create a guilt trip ( the person might believe he/shes responsible for the toxic situation, for instance) or worse. I'm happy for you people who've grown up in supportive families and all, but that's not something which you should take for granted. Families can be a real source of pain. Apart from that: Good luck Deer. There's always a bunch of people who can and will listen. Whether in real life (assuming) or online. My trip tip: try to get that feeling you had when you wrote the stuff about everything working out so well (see it, feel it, breathe like it, talk like it, get back into that posture...anything). I know what you've said about your current situation which completely sucks. And it's completely understandable that you feel the way you do right now. But as a form of exercise, you could try to get back in that positive mental state. It wont change your actual situation, but it can change your outlook on life. Regaining hope is crucial at this point. And hope is a mental state. One of the things that was an important lesson for me is the saying that a depression is not a thing which comes to you, but something you go to.
  14. So is there anything where your niece's mom shows some kind of responsibility? She's at least equally responsible if anything does happen. Madness...
  15. Umm i think that kind of goes beyond a first world problem. That's pretty fucked up. What the fuck is gonna happen to the baby? Also it's not really my place to say so, but your brother should really consider ditching his girlfriend. Holy F%ck. Yes, this is beyond first world, so please get out of this thread! (kidding).. but jesus F this is fucked. How the hell could your niece's mom be so stupid....
  16. You talk to her! duh ;D Find something situational. If someone drops a fart, you ask whether hers smell as bad as this one ;)
  17. I ran out of business cards, so now I'm using older ones instead. As long as the name, number, mail and company are correct, i guess.
  18. I didn't get to talk to her directly, because I arrived right at the start. And afterwards I was talking to some people and she was as well, until she left. Not much I contact though. Only one instance and she seemed awfully stressed. She was in a bit in a rough spot though, because she was in the center of attention for a large part of the session. We exchanged some sms's afterwards but nothing to interesting. (I offered her a ride and she said thanks...and that was it) Truth of the matter is, the thing happened a month ago and the relationship went pretty rocky soon afterwards. So there were still some relational tensions in the air. It's still a bit awkward atm. Before the meeting I'd sent her a mail saying (warning) her I'd be present as well. I knew it was a pretty important session for her and I don't think she'd like these kinds of surprises. She didn't reply, btw. (which is not a surprise, but that's a whole lot of back story to cover..in short: she got serious man-issues (dad died when she was young...) - which makes me sound like a total jerk, i know. so, i'll admit to have womens issues as well. which is kind of a trivial statement...!?)
  19. I was in a meeting yesterday in a work related setting. And it was a first for me someone was present who I had been in a sexual relationship with. It's one of those things which tend to seem like it's easy to imagine what it's like, but when you finally do experience it....WTF
  20. Perhaps they were informed through the NSA which read your posts here at WATMM? Next time of you're discussing about Snowden/Greenwald try to agree with eugene and maybe you can start using the old route again. ;D
  21. My thoughts exactly! I'm going to keep doing what I can. I'll wait for the newspaper to get back to me hopefully I can get a story going. This is wrong on so many levels =( thanks for your support Stephen, it's a legal issue. You have a contract with them, and if there's a clause which says they can stop giving you access to services - because of whatever - they prolly have the right, like they say. The answer is in your contract with them. Imo not in reddit or personal principles or broader moral values and what not. So you've got two options: legal help ( you have your rights as well, so there might be some clause which could force them to give you their services), or the services of another company. To what extent have they communicated they'd stop giving you their services? Was there a warning of some kind?
  22. As a former neighbor, my favorite moment was that one time when he stopped making music. It was bliss.
  23. Sounds like a beast of a track! And reminds me of the weird Twin Peaks moments which were spread throughout the usual soap opera stuff. ... They should do an Ae remixing Twin Peaks OST sometimes... /dreaming on
  24. Lol It's easier to recognize "d-lo" in that picture than to understand the code about dead ringers and unpaid interns.
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