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Everything posted by goDel

  1. no, his mother spent the weekend smoking pot in amsterdam...amongst other things. i was raised in the woods below amsterdam by a pack of wolves btw. so: donald is still safe.
  2. Recent trip to Copenhagen. Spot the phallus symbol. Hint: it's NOT me. ;D
  3. So you're saying a (your) writers block is caused by disconnection from your emotions?
  4. Always thought ae mixes wonderfully well with BOC. Enough points of similarity and contrast at the same time. Like a Bacardi Cola!
  5. Looks like I completely missed an awesome weekend at watmm. :D Sean an Rob, pls KEEP ON RELEASING THOSE TUNES! Please? Question: if you weren't legally connected to Warp (now or in the future), would you consider doing a 'radiohead' or some online thing like Bandcamp? Or is there a lot of stuff involved where a party like Warp is almost a necessity to keep you going? Also: those Quaristice releases reminded me a lot about the Miles Davis Sessions releases ( Eg. Bitches Brews Sessions) in concept. Will you be doing more of those? And is it perhaps an idea to release Sessions versions of your old albums where you mix up stuff and edits which didn't make the final cut and add some live stuff from gigs around that period as well? And how about having other people/friends doing the work of going through the archives for you? ( thinking about Gescom) Also5: how about a collab with Moritz Von Oswald? Also final: Around Untilted you were working with Surgeon and there seemed to be a general tendency to work within the four to the floor box. Quite successfully, imo and almost to the point where I could imagine you two inventing a new form of pop music 10 years into the future. What would you think if the really happened? Ps: awesome thread and awesome questions. Too bad ima bit late to the party though.
  6. Your bum is visibly warped? I think we assumed that already, but thanks for mentioning.
  7. It does beg the question though: what do you notice on a day to day basis about your PM? It's not like you are married with your PM, right? And if you stop reading the newspaper, would you even know who would be PM? * moves to North Korea*
  8. Sounds like you took a gamble on the jobs/finances part. Good te hear everything worked out (and your gf moved with you).
  9. Good to hear things turned out well in the czech republic. So you left Belarus because of the political situation? Why did you leave? Did you have a tough time initially in czechistan? Isn't there a language barrier of some kind between the two?
  10. "Location: Uranus" Well, obviously. Please take your spaceship back home, son. Also, lol at those meeting random people stories. If random people start talking to me, it's often about directions. Like i have huge sign on top of me saying "this guy has knowledge". And when traveling through Schiphol Airport, i tend to get asked by foreigners a lot. Not sure why, but even on crowded platforms I notice that when they start asking people for directions, they turn to me...!? This sounds completely self absorbed, obviously. And it probably is. But I had too many instances where I was wondering why they were asking me and not someone else. Especially those moments where I can be completely in my thoughts while in some crowded area. Which I'm pretty good at - being in my own thoughts - because it can piss girls off pretty easily, I have noticed. ;D
  11. Nope. Satisfied people are happy. And the point should be that people are happy, right? I'm not the one to judge them on why they are being happy/satisfied. Even though I might have some completely opposite opinion. I would have thought this would be an obvious friendly foiled opinion. I mean, it's the ultimate satisfied face, as far as i'm concerned. :D edit: really satisfied. not just some dishonest kind of satisfied
  12. hahaha Being depressed because people are satisfied. You could be happy for them! Need to be friendly foiled yourself, perhaps? ;)
  13. (i'm full of emerson quotes) to answer the original question: i'd probably leave the US if i had a sensible way out. eggs is right though, WA state is a pretty nice place to be, and i'm glad that out of anywhere in this country, i landed here. I'm digging the emerson quote!
  14. Lazy little brats? hahaha That's sounds like normal in western societies. "I'm on facebook, so I'm just like a popstar!"
  15. no, never, fuck you. LOL...so much context... hahahah
  16. Yeah, I would. If only for that fresh start/ new experience with a twist of 007 traveling the world kind of thing. You can read between the lines that i haven't got much tying me to the country where I live, apart from a job, house and family. In that order, ironically. I know a couple of people who are the complete opposite. Living their entire lives in the city they were basically born in, without any intention to move away. They've got all their friends and family within half an hour traveling, and they couldn't stand the idea of leaving them behind. I still think it's weirdly funny that people can be so attached, but that says just as much about myself, obviously. Dunno, but i think the answer to this question depends a lot on relationships and attachment, especially when you get older. But that's just repeating in different words what others already said.
  17. Borgen. It's a Danish drama-series on (Danish) politics. Was a tip from a friend who works at the Dutch government. She basically said this series was so realistic, the writers must have had plenty of inside knowledge. If you enjoy House of Cards and like to have something less "Hollywood", and you're able to find a copy with subtitles (it's all in Danish...), than this is a must have..
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