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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Let me just say I hope he'd put his old rephlex stuff up in his bleep store. Soon.
  2. So, euh, going back to the original point of the thread (non- americans about how they view america, instead of... you know ... americans talking about america.. ? ) Blue line is Trump. The guy tied to the white rope is either the us, or just the gop. And the world thinks: break free you idiot! It's possible
  3. Hmmm, I need to go on teh tweeter to like a tweet callofactivism has the right amount of snark ?
  4. You should only follow trends on twitter if you're on the paylist of Putin. ? Not trending on twitter is Teri Kanefield reading through the released depositions from the impeachment hearings. Gives a nice look into the shitshow that has become US politics. Trump Jr. Shitposting on twitter is already reason for ambassadors to worry about their position nowadays. I mean, wtf... nobody takes him seriously.. but in some circumstances you're actually forced to do so, even if its blatent trolling. The mindfuck is even more serious than I realised, tbh
  5. Was hoping for another fresh round of "lock him up!". Were they boo-ing though? Couldn't hear through the noise.
  6. OK, this seems to be going nowhere pretty quick. Let me just repeat myself and say that you shouldn't mirror that which you hate. Which is different to saying that you have to be nice to racists, btw. Would help if you see the difference. If you have trouble seeing the difference, you should say so instead of posting links and a quote.
  7. If you want to make a point, you should actually make it instead of posting a link. Can't be that difficult, I hope.
  8. I hope you realise you're spewing anti-humanist ideas in your post there. You're literally mirroring that which you hate. If you hate the partisan bickering, you should start with questioning yourself whenever you notice you think like that. Simply because it's "anti-human".
  9. "If we believe hard enough, he might disappear!"
  10. Do both. Start with Corn pone flicks. As he's got an interesting take. The 4 hour one completely destroys it though, but it is interesting nevertheless. Gets you mind rolling. The 4 hour one goes completely meta and you might even want to avoid it if you love having/creating theories of your own and aren't interested in anything else really. As you might end up losing the need to fantasise about new theories.
  11. no idea where you want to go with this. but yeah you're right. sure.
  12. Interesting take on the meaning of the vote in the House. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-we-learned-from-the-first-house-vote-on-impeachment/ The irony will be that the GOP will say it is just a political stunt for the coming elections. And the reality is that's true. Although it's true because of the GOP making it purely about their own seats. And therefore the elections. (remember the rule that the GOP criticisms always tend to be reflections in their mirrors)
  13. From 2:50:00 onwards he def goes more into the third season stuff. Really interesting take. To the point that I'm wondering whether he in some way had direct access to Lynch himself, btw. As he's really schooling us, the viewers. We're basically an integral part on why the third season is what it is. In short: even if you're satisfied after the first couple of hourse, def take the effort to sit this one out! edit: and please don't skip the first 2:50:00 if you're only interested in the third season. it's pretty much a package deal. it doesn't work to just dive in
  14. "He had innovative ideas about governance and was very good at dividing the nation. His negotiation skills were unheard of. And he single handedly changed the international power structures by giving less democratic countries an equal voice. A true visionary who kept the nation out of HRC's claws."
  15. I think we can quickly solve this issue by collectively promising to say nice things about Trump AFTER he dies. (and only after!)
  16. Is it though? We might have reached a point where people shouting "Lock him up" doesn't have much to do with political color. They could still be on the conservative side. Not saying that was the case there, btw. It just wouldn't surprise me that the people who'd shout "Lock her up!" might very well be the same people who are going to shout "Lock him up!" as well. Some would consider it a political 180. You could also argue it would show a sense of consistency. Similar to people voting for Obama and Trump. It could be a populist thing. The populist political allignment goes beyond the classical political colors. Left/right, and progressive/conservative become less relevant. If Trump is seen as the new establishment, his old anti-establishment support could drop him in a heartbeat. Not saying that is the case, btw. The polls don't show it, for instance. For whatever thats worth, btw. Polls and populism is a difficult one. Populism tends to translate bad into polling numbers.
  17. O my, nr1: And remember when Tillerson said Trump asked him to do stuff which wasn't legally possible? Yeah, well, he asked Mattis to do some stupid shit too. You'd almost think there might be a pattern here...
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