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Everything posted by goDel

  1. The funny thing, I kinda feel for Ivanka. All those times you opened your mouth and people looked like a dead bird fell out of it. And she's trying. But then I realise, she's probably completely ignorant of her own ignorance and pushes her BS as if it carries any importance. Then I feel for Lagarde and all the others. No wonder Merkel got the shivers nowadays. Shit's getting dark. It's turning into autocrats sausage fest up there.
  2. US elections have basically turned into some online cyber warfare. No people dying. But reality is, I'm afraid. And the people (soldiers) who run those campaigns, don't give a f#ck. ?
  3. The ACA was not the result of Obama being a pushover. And apart from that, it's useful to know the difference between a moderate and a pushover. If the seem interchangeable, you have to look again. Perhaps it's not just about being a pushover, but also about compromising. Nowadays, being a moderate or compromising are grossly undervalued, it seems. And going for extremes is a sign of having a spine, instead of a lack of realism or being completely dishonest.
  4. A pushover will lose to Trump. Not sure if people confuse pushovers for moderates. @joshuatxuk: appreciate the story. And enjoy the Brooks and Shields old farts talking about US politics nowadays. It really takes two dinosaurs to make some sense about current politics, I feel. Without history, I fear we fall pray to the reality-TV twitter nonsense BS we're being drowned in nowadays. We need some old farts with a bit of perspective. ;)
  5. I'm not on the Sanders bandwagon. Even though I do think he got robbed the last time against Clinton. But his honesty is not much better than your average politician, imo. It surprises me how easy he gets away with things. Really. His comments about the healthcare system and how those work in Europe are mostly self serving garbage, for instance. If people really start to believe in that single payer stuff, he's digging his own grave as it just wont work like that. The best option is to improve on the current ACA. But instead of supporting it, he plays a political game by going into the other extreme. As a counter balance to the GOP. So yeah, he's either honest and not too bright, or dishonest and people don't see.
  6. Wow That *is* harsh though. No matter how you feel about Trump.
  7. Good moment to remember that half of the population is left from the average on the IQ distribution bell curve. :/
  8. AL Bundy interfering with the election!! (MFW reading AL instead of AI)
  9. Bidens road to victory might be a fairly simple one: shut up (and keep your hands to yourself), and be the silent wise gray white man. Be the anti-Trump by becoming the dalai lama of US politics. Completely Zen. A peaceful cloud in the political sky of US politics.
  10. My guess is she might be even helping him. It looks to me he's well able to explain his positions and his record on race is very much a positive. Will minorities trust him more than his competitors? In the end, when there's only two left (Trump the other), the answer's yes. Is he a perfect candidate? No, obviously not. His touchy feely way around women might be a bigger issue. But if he ends up fighting Trump, I don't think Trump will use that as he only exposes himself in doing so.
  11. goDel

    Warp Tapes WAV

    they're spoiling us :)
  12. He should release an album like that! Damn Tom, where have you been!? I missed tracks like that.
  13. goDel


    jesus f this is prolly closest we're going to get to an AE soundcloud dump :)
  14. i wonder whether this was leaked or "leaked". guessing the last, btw. this prolly was a conscious effort to add uncertainty to the existing situation. with the hope of forcing iran to do 'something'. and that something would validate either a more aggressive approach, or a diplomatic.
  15. not if people are actually going to vote! yes there's at least 40% voting for the orange fruitcake. that leaves plenty of dems, swingers and former cons to vote against trump. this is very much a vote for or against trump. moreso than 2016. that was more a for/against clinton as well. this times is def different, imo.
  16. just vote him out next time, please. the man is hurting the world economy with his tariffs. and now threatening world peace. knock it off already, with that orange infant.
  17. thx for the tweet! was helpful.
  18. * throws money at computer even if nothing there yet *
  19. You know you've been mindfucked by Trump if .... If you start to consider Trump actually can't think conceptually but is more an old fashioned practical "seeing is believing" thinker, in the context of getting info on political opponents from foreign interests. He seems to reason that you have to look at the info first before you can even argue that the FBI needs to be informed. Why bother going to the FBI if there's nothing there? It's all nonsense, of course. But he makes it seem as a reasonable position. Which he might actually believe. If there's no info, there's nothing there. See? I've seen a couple of psychologists talking about people's ability to think conceptually as a fairly recent 'invention'. And that people for thousands of years have mostly operated on a practical level. Conceptual thinking is mostly mumbo jumbo. If it's not in front of you, it's basically irrelevant. Trying to understand Trump is a complete mindfuck. :(
  20. I hope they put him under oath the next time he's doing an interview. George was doing Muellers work there. Although, to be fair, Trump would always stick to his 'I can't recall' answers when talking about what had happened during the 2016 election. Ironically, that Dowd voicemail to Flynn's lawyer about potential national security threats implies there actually is a national security threat. Trumps conduct is a continuing source of national security threats.
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