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Everything posted by goDel

  1. he'll grow a tail and horns when this thread reaches the 666th page
  2. really good stuff. been listening to this for a while, but couldn't remember have seen posted on watmm. wanted to start a thread, but this one's already made. i get the impression that quite a bunch of people are sleeping on this. so please check the bandcamp.
  3. spread the news. maybe we can train trump. teach him how the world works and all that.
  4. The way the R's currently treat Justin Amash, they're more like the ruling party in North Korea or China. R's idea of "Land of the free" is a mystery.
  5. Aux, I hope we're not going back to having an argument we already said we didn't want to have. I just wanted to make sure I didn't misrepresent your statement, while still being succinct. Still not sure what went wrong there, but here we are. Lets leave it there. Wrt the partisan approach of congress, the comparison with watergate is interesting. I tend to look at that history and see a lot of similarities. So that leaves me more hopeful, even if it currently looks hopeless. To a degree it was hopeless back then as well. But it's also the case that the media nowadays is mostly a shit-filter. With more focus on the shit and less on the good stuff. Moreso than back then, I believe. The political side was always nasty. Which is basically proven by the actual watergate event itself, I'd argue. So I'm a bit weary following the coverage. Especially the shit thats labelled as 'breaking news'. That's the McDonalds of news. The media also plays a role in framing a hopeless reality. (As is my own psychology, btw) So as far as I'm concerned, we're still in the middle of watergate where public opinion was still divided. And events could unfold similarly. Even if it doesn't look that way.
  6. not sure where i went wrong in my assumptions? i can repeat your words and still get a response i don't understand. Here: Looks the same to me. So we're saying the same. Can we actually on something? Not rocket science, right?
  7. Donors tend to be traceable. As politifact have shown in their article. Instead of guessing, https://www.opensecrets.org/ will give some insight. It's more transparent than you seem to think. And the politifact story was more than just semantics. It showed how poor the 'reporting' is. They flagged it as fake news. Given the politifact article, Blavatnik wouldn't even be considered a foreign donor, btw. (US-UK passport, in the US since 70s, has a couple of US companies) I agree with you that there are issues with campaign financing and all that. But this article doesn't do any good. So I'm having a hard time understanding why you're jumping into this rabbithole with a politifact article labelling it as fake news. I just don't understand.
  8. Ignatius, the politifact came to the conclusion the story was mostly false. Whats the deal? Apart from McCnnl, or politicians in the US, having huge donors and making shady decisions, that is.
  9. And a stalker! ? Coming from someone who is curious about what the f people are staring at on their phones as well, btw. The younger generations are worse, it seems. Because they are staring at their screens even when they are with their friends. Older generations generally use their screens to keep themselves busy. When they got nothing else to do. Younger generations have mastered the art of staring at different screens in a social context. Watching something together is old fashioned. They can be together while they'll remain invested in their own private screen. They wouldn't even understand people getting annoyed about them being invested in their screens, I'm guessing.
  10. Ok, so my guess is you currently don't think the country (as a whole) is anywhere near changing their mind. And your own position on the report is most likely still the same as well. Meaning that Mueller (supposedly) showed it was all smoke and mirrors. ( I added the "supposedly", but from your perspective it should be dropped, I guess.) Right?
  11. goDel

    June 9th

    That means this decade!
  12. Came across this talk by Stephen Schneider which is really interesting. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, btw. To give you a hint, his answer to the title question is that it's a stupid question. ;) So he's basically talking from a position beyond the standard dichotomies you get from the media. In other words, it's lovely stuff. Goes more into explaining how to interpret what he calls "systems science" and labels climate policies as "risk management". Again, interesting watch.
  13. O, coming back to what people have said in this thread. Weren't you convinced Mueller said his research found nothing substantial, or something like that? You still believe that after his letter to Barr and the recent press conference? Not trying to lure you into an argument, btw. I just want to have an idea where people who thought the report was a nothingburger currently are. Especially given the fact that an impeachment process is a political one. And the outcome strongly depends on the ability to change the perspective of roughly half the country (if not more). So if you havent seen any reason to change your mind ( if my memory is correct, that is), it's fair to say the rest of the nay-sayers haven't either, I'm guessing. Not saying you should, btw. Just trying to get a feel for how far the country is from people changing their minds on whats in the Mueller report. Thats all. Lets assume everyone has valid reasons to have a certain perspective on this, regardless of what it is. Always fair to be sceptical, I guess. I'm only interested in the likely hood of people changing their opinion given what we currently know.
  14. Someone tell Trump he should install an update on his twitter account. The errors are becoming too obvious. Some scary examples in this article on AI generating fake news: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/07/technology/ai-text-disinformation.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage Really scary. I think we're doomed, quite honestly. We simply aren't be able to recognise all the bullshit, if you ask me.
  15. Album still needs a proper listen, but my first impression is mixed. For about half of the album I get a sense I'm listening to artists just doing their thing. And perfectly so, I might add. As a number of you mentioned, production is impeccable. But the music seems a bit too much within their comfort zone, if you ask me. I'd rather have a bit more experimentation and uncertainty. Which is also on the album, btw. And is what made me buy it anyways. Even if I didn't like all of it at first sight. So yeah, mixed bag. Will spend more time with it. Couple of new directions. And also a couple of really safe tracks. Too safe, imo.
  16. goDel

    June 9th

    The guy who made it, Sam Smith, put it on youtube as well. Back in 2006. He made it back in 2002! Wouldn't be surprised if he was on watmm as well. But I can't remember an active discussion about it, back then. Apart from following the contest for best BOC video. Wasn't papa involved in organising that contest, btw?
  17. goDel

    June 9th

    happy 9/6th :) I remember that clip being in better quality, btw. But that must have been years ago. Even before 2009, I'm guessing.
  18. Interesting analysis on fivethirtyeight. biden looks a bit overrated in the current polls, while buttigieg looks underrated. reasoning in short: - favorability of a candidate can't be better than the % of dems with an opinion on the candidate (eg. if max 20% of dems have an opinion on a candidate, 20% favourability is the highest possible score) - very high % dems with an opinion on biden as opposed to lesser known candidates means bidens favorability could be overrated wrt to those other candidates. - analysis below looks at the change in % with opinion in relationship to the change in favorability (buttigieg-bump! while bidens support shrinks!) https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/which-2020-candidates-are-more-or-less-popular-than-they-should-be/
  19. I would argue that the ACA was a major political sea change under Obama, though.
  20. The stable genius is still adored by a large minority, while the majority can't stand him. No matter what. Situation is as stable as ever.
  21. Gotta take a minute to salute the brits for taking the piss on Trump. Royally. :)
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