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Everything posted by goDel

  1. first you start out crying about how you think no-one reads your posts. and now you're basically just trolling. dude, wtf. what is your problem? please don't reply because you're already on my troll list. no reason to take anything you post seriously. good luck with your bs arguments.
  2. I thought the entire western civilization was in agreement about the US healthcare system being the biggest tearjerker of them all. Even though there might some different reasons for it, mind you. A tiny fraction, mainly in the US want more market. And the bloody majority thinks the us healthcare market is completely fucked up and needs better regulation. Which is different to both less and more regulation, btw!
  3. Aha! Unlink the mofo. Thanks a bunch! Was struggling with that nonsense for a bit. Someone tricked me into believing deleting the s from the https would help... it didnt.
  4. and his daughter. because...sexual fantasies (yep, i went there...)
  5. too many people. it's probably just his tyrannical father and his mother next to a yuge black hole which is his own ego.
  6. you're spewing a lot of stereotypes and generalisations for someone who complains about others doing so. what's your deal? not happy with obamacare and think trump is going to solve it? (instead of making it worse)
  7. goDel

    Brexit :(

    Mainstream media for the win!!!
  8. goDel

    Brexit :(

    Wasnt it those russian tourists coming for ancient architecture before they decided to poison some former soviets? Perhaps they blamed them for ruining those ancient relics. I think i'm onto to something. My tinfoil cap says so, anyways.
  9. goDel

    Brexit :(

    And what is ancient in your book? 500+ years old?
  10. goDel

    Brexit :(

    I'm a bit more optimistic actually. Progress has its ups and down. But on a bigger scale, say 1000 years, tends to move upwards. And in order to move forwards, sometimes a step back is a necessity. So let's take this step collectively. And perhaps we'll discover this might actually be the thing that will take us to the next step. Surprisingly. I mean, who knows.
  11. goDel

    Brexit :(

    it's a cooperative experience. i'd rather share the misery of a brexit, than the remain misery. :p
  12. goDel

    Brexit :(

    "best for everybody" is a relative thing. Half of the Brits think it's best to leave. I think it's best for people to get the chance to learn from their mistakes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. goDel

    Brexit :(

    I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough. Leave! And take that idiot Farage with you please! "Good riddance" Cheerio! ;D edit: *reads worms post * GOOD RIDDANCE LEAVE ALREADY lol, I definitely understand how posts like worm's can make you think this. But a great deal of the (especially younger) Brits aren't such shitheads. The UK leaving the EU doesn't make sense in many ways. Brexit is irrational even if you don't love the shit out of the other EU members. But it's not that much about rationality but more about national pride it seems I kinda get where you're coming from. But seriously, I think Brexit could be a good thing for the EU. All the populist nonsense about the EU, I'm growing tired of it. With a real Brexit we can finally get a definitive answer on how stupid the entire idea is. And given that this populist nonsense is spreading throughout the EU like wildfire, I'd say it should happen sooner than later. We'll survive the economic disaster. And in the end, the island will remain exactly where it is. So you can still meet your British buddies. And given that borders between EU and UK always were a bit different, I'd argue you wouldn't even notice the difference. Apart from a pisspoor British economy that is. But hey, a Brit not complaining about the economy or politics is not a real Brit. ;)
  14. goDel

    Brexit :(

    I'd almost build them Brits a bunch of classic wooden ships. So they can pretend being an empire again. And sail the world seas as if it was yesteryear. Call it "keeping up appearances" if you will. You know, being a proper Brit and all that. *sips English blend tea*
  15. Guys, it's all strategery. Flood the media with bullshit and all that. Please keep your eyes on the ball! And ignore the twitters. It's meant to create distractions. You're being trolled.
  16. goDel

    Brexit :(

    I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough. Leave! And take that idiot Farage with you please! "Good riddance" Cheerio! ;D edit: *reads worms post * GOOD RIDDANCE LEAVE ALREADY
  17. Huh!? We're/I'm just waiting for the full report. What's the matter? Something's wrong?
  18. currently on rotation. and must admit i underrated this album. it deserves more appreciation. way more. perhaps it's because it's full of short tracks which immediately come to the point and never overstay their welcome. or in other words: autechre pop :)
  19. Not willing to follow you at this point, but I can agree it's not clear who will be able to beat him. I do think the same voter energy, which helped in the midterms, will help in 2020. I'm expecting record turn outs. And that's going to help whichever Dem candidate on the ticket. The anti-Trump vote will be strong. Although the irony will be that the perfect anti-Trump option needs to completely ignore Trump. And needs to run for something, as opposed to against Trump. Another maga if you will. O the irony ;)
  20. I think the important takeaway is that having a good sense of a third perspective of yourself is a sign of emotional health and a potentially powerful tool to improve yourself. So you just keep on doing what you're doing. :)
  21. I recently bought all these reissued versions with all the unreleased stuff and alternative versions added. Interesting to hear, but it's really hit and miss. Sometimes to the point I get the impression Nirvana was incredibly overrated. Like an uninspired satire of itself. But then I really do like the good tracks though. And they still sound as powerful as they did back then. Can't help but feel Cobain was both helped and hindered (or inhibited) in his writing by whatever it was what finally made him kill himself.
  22. Good advice, in general. Although I don't think it'll really work when you're really depressed. The third person perspective of yourself can be so incredibly distorted, it becomes impossible to "visualise" getting yourself back on track again. It's been a while, but I distinctly remember a feeling of being a ghost. Or having become an invisible black hole of sorts. I basically stopped existing for a bit. I believe that's a consequence of having blocked out emotions. And it's hard to imagine a third person perspective would have helped. On my bad days I'd get pissed at myself, I believe. And on other days, I simply wouldn't care. Or just couldn't do it all. I don't know. Might depend on how deep you are in it, I guess. Or it's related to the reasons of the depression. But in all honesty, that was more than a decade ago. So, I'm going with my imagination here. If it works, it works though. And the ability to consciously change frames and perspectives in general is a precious ability. Regardless of your emotional state. Good thing you stopped taking medications, btw. And happy to see it serves you well.
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