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Everything posted by goDel

  1. goDel

    Brexit :(

    I think the thing which you should keep in mind here is the difference between where stuff has been made and the route products take before it is in British shops. Eg "How do these stats take into account the food that's made outside of the EU, but is transported through the EU? " By passing more borders, transportation will take more time. All the stuff that's entering the UK through the EU, but is coming from outside the EU will also be problematic. If there's no EU involved, there's no worries. But if goods pass through some EU haven, there's going to be some impact. I'm guessing these stats don't take this into account. Not sure though. It doesn't seem obvious either way, but I assume this is about where stuff has been produced.
  2. goDel

    Brexit :(

    That option was voted away It came in as the least popular of the 4
  3. goDel

    Brexit :(

    Might be a mixture of wishful thinking and reason. Watching the UK from outside, it looks like both leavers and remainers have an equal disdain of the EU. Ironically. The difference is that remainers see it in their best (economic) interest to stay, regardless of what they think of the EU. In this sense, a No Deal scenario could be the better option from the EU perspective.
  4. Not sure where to post this, but interesting youtube about the "fake news" battle on social media. And the technical aspects behind it. Or the engineering, if you will. How uploaders of fake news try to fool the algorithms. And how the algorithms try to outsmart the people uploading fake news.
  5. goDel


    that's brilliant. he should put it up on bandcamp! also, don't forget to read the description:
  6. If it is going to be properly released - and tidal jumped the gun - i would have expected some artwork coming with the tracks. Because there was no artwork, something else might be at play. Which was a bit odd, imo. And could make the case there's not a proper release for these tracks in the pipeline. Still open for speculation....
  7. The thing about the Trump-situation is that it's a yuge Shakespearean tragedy. It's mindcrack. Regardless of him being impeached. It's Game of Thrones. It's comedy. It's tragedy. It's ridiculous. "There are just so many more meaningful discussions to be had, but pretty much all anyone does is post memes of trump staring into the sun, or montages of his worsening dimentia." Please don't jump into the same rabbit hole as you blame others are doing. Yeah, there's memes. But there's also plenty other stuff being posted. Using hyperbole to make your point is exactly the type of behavior which seems to squeeze your tits. Don't be part of it.
  8. i sell digital copies for $100! pm me ;) mint condition!
  9. so this is what a limited edition means in the digital vinyls world
  10. goDel

    Brexit :(

    I think the strategy is: how can we create a shit storm big enough that the only possible outcome will be: remain. Atleast, that's what my sources say. The hand behind the curtain is pushing the UK into the Remain direction. Perhaps the May-must-go is part of this as well.
  11. goDel

    Brexit :(

    https://twitter.com/gpearthur/status/1110955974494437377?s=21 Kinda makes sense. Perhaps explains the current situation as well. It's more about scaring the EU into a better deal. But the EU gave a middle finger... and rightly so, btw. It's time for a friendly divorce. This one sided marriage wasn't made to last. ;p
  12. Feels to me like a similar deal to what he did with that store in the US releasing the exclusive tsim 2 & gerald remix from the soundcloud dump on vinyl. Perhaps rdj has a friend at tidal or sumting.
  13. goDel

    Brexit :(

    brilliant stuff! :) should have stopped after 5 mins though. and why the hell does the youtube not embed properly? grrrr immigrants...
  14. what an awful site :( bought and downloaded the tracks and immediately ended subscription. sheesh
  15. Meanwhile: Donald Trump officially recognizes Israeli sovereignty over Golan HeightsWhich Putin likes, because logic dictates they can keep Crimea as well...
  16. Collusion was always going to be difficult to prove. The irony is that both Trump and associates knew the Russians were supporting them (they had contact, even by Barr's summary) and Russia knew Trump was their guy to support. Collusion? No...
  17. Interesting thread on why Mueller would end his investigation like this in the case where he did find proof of the so called trump russia thing:
  18. if there's no more indictments, which is the story, i guess mueller won't have any current (sealed) indictments. at least, that's my take.
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