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Everything posted by goDel

  1. So, name a practical application of non-determinism. Or "true" non-determinism. Please make it something that's observable and part of the physical realm (= physics). Guessing the problem with a definition of intelligence also holds for determinism. In the end I guess this is about where you stand on the chaos vs non-determinism debate. As you talk about philosophical determinism and true non-determinism, I'm afraid the discussion will be similar to that of the chinese room experiment. (Love to be proven wrong) Which I'm sure you're familiar with. A person without an understanding of chinese language sitting in a room pulling levers based on some algorithm. So the entire system is just a box which approximates an understanding of chinese, but without a "true" understanding, depending on your views of course. To me, this argument is similar to that of chaos vs non-determinism. Personally I'm not too fond of discussions like these. Mostly because of my cynicism wrt philosophical notions of reality. I tend to believe that philosophical notions of reality are often confused with reality itself. As if the philosophical notion of non-determinism is an actual thing which exists in reality. Imo, it's just a theoretical concept which is used as a tool to sharpen thinking about real world phenomena. And real world phenomena will probably be more like chaotic systems which might appear non-deterministic. (Again, love to be proven wrong) Which is especially problematic in the context of intelligence and awareness. Because, besides the confusion, that also immediately introduces deeply personal experiences and beliefs about those notions. (Our personal experience feels like true non-determinism, but is it?) And cognitive bias suddenly inflames the reasoning machine, if you know what i mean. We all do it. But thats probably just my misunderstanding, which I'm sure you will correct. :) To everyone: sorry for this post. You can ignore me for a page or two. This discussion shouldnt take longer than that. And besides, whats there to talk about at this point? New insights after the Nth viewing? Suuuuure....
  2. For a sec thought those were christmas tree decorations. But apparently, some people enjoy walking around as decorated xmas trees as well. Would enjoy them more in a tree though. Out of sight preferably.
  3. huh!? determinism inherent to programming? naaaah here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nondeterministic_algorithm also, if you consider intelligence (or awareness if you will) as an emergent property. emerging from some non-deterministic system. is it really that farfetched to be able to build (program) that underlying non-deterministic system? in the end though, what's often the problem in discussions like these, is the notion of intelligence. there's always someone pushing towards some impossible definition, while in reality, intelligence is very much in the eye of the beholder and might very well be something rather unlike people imagine it to be.
  4. agree. he had to say something Yea, deckard rejecting there. With something which should have been an obvious falsehood in the narrative context Meaning, they had the color of her eyes right
  5. That interview...my god Trump is basically the answer to the question of what it would be like if Sarah Palin was president. ...at least she tried writing notes on the inside of her hands, though. That's a sign of self-awareness Trump still needs to discover, I'm afraid.
  6. Jezus f-ing krist, you kinda look like an ex. She had less hair on her chest though :) its the eyes
  7. Had to laugh at this quote from a student about Sean Spicer, after a Q&A session: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/harvard-kennedy-sean-spicer-students_us_59e8d273e4b06b440e446d10?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009
  8. lol also, i tend to believe that people who like br2049 do so because other movies are complete crap. relatively speaking, this makes br2049 look like a beautiful work of genius. ;p
  9. read an interesting piece about why his support hasn't changed much. plenty of conservatives prefer voting trump over some dem. out of principle. if only for the supreme court. even if they hate him as much as the average dem. and there is a group of hardcore anti-establishment supporters who really don't give a f#ck about what trump is doing. they're happy with the chaos and probably don't believe in politicians having a moral compass anyways. at least trump is transparant about having no moral compass, right? even his bullshit is transparant. without a serious alternative he'll prob win next election again. unless mueller... etc in other words: mueller is our saviour!
  10. you'd hope that more posts in a shorter time means new uploads. .. alas, this is currently not the case ;p
  11. Just seen it. Kinda liked it. Most of all because of the ambition. My biggest gripe with it is actually kind of stupid. It's that it tries too hard to be a blade runner movie. Again, stupid, I know. But it kept me from viewing the movie as it is. And not only did it continuously ask to be compared with the original, imo. It also asked to be compared with other influences. Like Kubrick. Couldn't help but think that Villeneuve's ambition was to attempt to combine the Blade Runner world with Kubricks cinematography. Lots of craftsmanship went into it, but in the end I mostly wished Villeneuve put his ambitions in creating something new instead of remixing the past. Leto wasn't as bad as I feared. And Hoeks was wonderful, like already said. Gosling was meh, but in a way which suited the role. Ford was mostly being Ford, imo. I missed Rutger Hauer, I guess. :/
  12. If FWWM was Lynch disappearing up his own arse, it was at least well executed. Or, in other words, it was self indulgence done the right way. Obvs, I have some different views on S03. No need to go there again. But I just like to say that FWWM is a bad comparison for S03. FWWM doesn't have the flaws I see in S03. It's a different beast, imo.
  13. Still hard to believe. :( That Johny Bush guy lost his job while Donny got to play president of the US of A. That's what the Trump-reality distortion field generator will do. Just keep believing in your innocence and all will work out. Even Weinstein didn't have the balls to stick to his guns. Trump, no sense of guilt whatsoever. And I don't believe for a second he's any less of a pig than Weinstein.
  14. goDel


    Would love to have some new sets/tunes... sean, pls
  15. i agree that it's on purpose. i've heard actors mention a couple of times that lynch often only did 2 takes. throwing shit on a canvas has become craftmanship. because it was done with "purpose".
  16. The deal: Source: choirdrill page at twinbleepstore
  17. Sure, assume I'm too stupid to understand why he posted it.... It speaks for itself for regulars. It's the non-regulars i'm thinking about. Like someone who just happens to come here through google non-regular. But hey, it's "illegal af" when someone sends it to jews, but perfectly fine when posting at watmm. Logic! Ding ding ding hey what is this reality you live in where context literally doesn't apply at all? i'd love to check it out so i can make piss-poor comparisons too I know it's MEANT as suggestive of violence. Fuck Nazis and all the idiots taking on the Nazi symbology to the moon, I agree. I'm just saying, legally, I'm honestly not sure what's on that paper would hold up as 'illegal' in any way at all. I'm sincerely curious if it actually is how it's against the law.well in australia you would definitely be in some shit for this at least. surprised NY wouldn't be similar. Mesh, I'm really confused. Did you actually even read my post? I just happened to mention something about understanding he was not trying to be a troll. I kno, I know, I'm a bad communicator, but is it really that difficult to understand that I understood his disgust? And also note I also mentioned a link was not enough. So, in terms of not being aware of the context, that should have sent you the message that I was aware of the link (duh) and might have even read it. (Extra context bonus points!) Finally, and I feel I'm really repeating myself here, what would your brilliant mind make of the remark that it leaves too much to the imagination? Thing is, I might be a bit cynical when it comes to people and intelligence (the irony...), but I expect some non-regular to be dog stupid enough to just imagine whatever the hell he/she makes up on the spot when they see a pic like that. People tend to give a f&ck about context if they dont have any interest in doing so. Kinda like you really not giving a fuck about actually understanding my post in the first place, I'm guessing. Please dont waste your time with a response, because I 've wasted more than enough energy on your bs allready.
  18. Well, the shit at charlottesville was ok. Trump said so, right? Good people on both sides. Maga!!
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