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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Most of my gear-lust these days is over really un-sexy, practical things Like I used to fantasize about CS-80's and Jupiter-4's But now I fantasize about silica packets and guitar polish...
  2. There's gotta be tons of resources online for troubleshooting your cat...
  3. Possibility #1: I've *heard* that if cats aren't socialized with humans when they're a kitten, then it's tough going. (Essentially they don't know what humans are about, and so they perpetually see your gestures as a threat)...if this is the case, your best bet is to expose it to humans in the least stressful way possible, and be super-ultra-slow with your gestures, and let it always see your hands so there are no surprises... and also you should have Temptations nearby, and reward it every time it does something you want it to keep doing Possibility #2: Your cat is in pain. (Is his/her back muscles tensed up?)
  4. Does it even have a filter?It's got a few, I thinkBut yeah, the reason I like it so much is because it gives you a bunch of different ways to manipulate overtones: Both the 'east coast' and 'west coast' styles of dealing with overtones (Hence "no coast") they really should have called it the Makenoise FLY-OVER Yeah honestly I don't even know (nor did Nick from SonicState) how the "0-coast" is supposed to be pronounced...No-coast? Zero-coast?
  5. lol Nothing can stop the cummies
  6. Does it even have a filter? It's got a few, I think But yeah, the reason I like it so much is because it gives you a bunch of different ways to manipulate overtones: Both the 'east coast' and 'west coast' styles of dealing with overtones (Hence "no coast")
  7. lol my cats also enjoy sitting in front of the speakers, the ginger one always masturbates on the most brutal shit they don't seem be bothered by heavy weed smoke but i wonder sometimes if it might be harmfull for them It's fine for them (mentally, at least) unless they're neurotic (e.g. If they're prone to flinching or biting in response to anomalies)
  8. It might be AJ himself who's into it But my impression (and others' I've heard) is that it's PJW My sources also say that dank-ass squidj is the kryptonite of the New World Order And also it frees the fish people from their tanks and makes 'em dress up like 90's ravers with pacifiers and take MDMA (Still waiting for independent corroboration, though)
  9. Moe "Meow" Tucker loves to get stoned She goes out of her way to stick her head in clouds of smoke Then she sits there and listens to music
  10. Cloud, it sounds like you really helped give her a wonderful life on this planet. (And she knew that every single time she looked at you)
  11. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    Yeah absolutely cwmbrancity man, you might consider making a blog post or something about what you've been reading/learning; I know there's at least a handful of us that would drool over every bit of it Or maybe a thread for stuff like this I'd be hella down for that
  12. Fellow 'journalist' Paul Joseph Watson is a synth enthusiast. 'The Alex Jones Channel' once commented on a TB-303 demo on YouTube, and probably because PJW had forgotten to switch to his personal account.
  13. Yeah I mean there are tons of people who would immediately dismiss your opinion simply because you're a straight white male. My girlfriend recently made a post on FB about how maybe moral indignation isn't the best strategy for changing minds, and she got accused of 'tone-policing.' That stuff is dialogue poison.
  14. Trolling or not, I've never understood this position. How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters?I'm trolling. I actually love identity politics. It's awesome. ThanksI think it's pretty clear that bringing identity to the fore of every single issue is causing people to entrench themselves in their respective identity-based tribes. Like, if you wanna convince someone that you and them are different in an important and fundamental way, well don't be surprised if they take your word for it. You're getting just a mite bit too close to thought crime for my liking. You're on my shit list, buddy. I can't imagine what about my post would make you think of 'thought-crime'
  15. lolwhat an adventurous individual. my cat once got the courage to get on top of the ledge of our 2nd floor balcony and dropped cause he got scared of the vacuum or something (can't remember it was like 7 years ago). He landed on the laundry rack fortunately but ended up developing some kind of ptsd and rejected all emotion in his life and did nothing but sleep after that. so he ended up being like me in the end so it's alright 1) Yeah...Moe "Meow" Tucker (that's her name lol) actually takes naps up on the door almost daily...she splays her limbs out for stability and then literally fall asleep 2) regarding PTSD:
  16. Trolling or not, I've never understood this position. How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters? I'm trolling. I actually love identity politics. It's awesome. Thanks I think it's pretty clear that bringing identity to the fore of every single issue is causing people to entrench themselves in their respective identity-based tribes. Like, if you wanna convince someone that you and them are different in an important and fundamental way, well don't be surprised if they take your word for it.
  17. aww man, i want one of them so bad.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FW8QYt6bio Fuck yeah This thing single-handedly restored my obsession with synthesizers
  18. Not that he has suddenly become smart. But that he is talking in a way that makes me realize he has potential to do a good job. He has dropped the rhetoric, and he is talking real shit now. There is no consensus on climate change. There is data, and there are people interpreting that data. In the interview he concedes that humans play a part, to what extent he doesn't fully know yet. This is about as close as you can get to the truth about climate change. We have contributed yes, but to what extent fully? It depends on who you are talking to, and what are the ramifications? Again, it depends on who you are talking to. But the most important thing to consider is that it's much better for our planet to be warm than cold. We've had cooling events, and when it happens lots of people die. Everything he said made sense. If you don't like his appointments that's fine, but what he is saying makes sense. Have you ever seen an X-Y graph of climate vs green-house gas levels? I mean, I believe in coincidences and all, but sheesh...
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