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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Btw, Zeff I like you man, I'm just saying the "hey it's just a joke, lighten up" defense is irrelevant when there are actual real-world stakes at hand
  2. I mean, remember when you called Obama a "dumb nigger" and you got suspended? Oversensitive PC Police are out to get you! Wake up! "Hey man, we're just telling it like it is...sorry if you can't handle it."
  3. I was referring to Delet's post, btw But thanks for the daily Godel mockery
  4. Thx modey and chesney for the ideas What I'm looking to do is have setup for solo jazz gigs...just my Eastman and a Henriksen jazzamp-10...and some pedals. I know I wanna use compression (maybe an opto pedal, but I dunno yet...there's some cool 1176-type pedals that look/sound amazing) But beyond that, I dunno...maybe a pedal for subtle reverb swells... Chesney you got some sick-ass gear, yo...that Eventide pedal is amazing (and prolly outta my price range)
  5. Does anyone have any pedal recommendations for solo electric guitar stuff? Like, I wanna keep shit mostly naturalistic, but add some subtle shades here and there for emphasis... I'm not up-to-date on guitar tech whatsoever, so I am basically clueless...
  6. aye, anything vaguely liberal leaning now seems to get some dolt commenting "you lost liberals get over it!" - wasn't it exactly this smug, dismissive rhetoric from the left that people got upset about? anti-PC culture unless someone says something mean about themselves - granted I think there has been a failure to stop PC culture becoming very one-sided that pendulum gonna keep swinging I think perpetually treating people (e.g. alt-righters) like an adversarial tribe merely nudges them more and more towards acting like an adversarial tribe And I don't think that's the solution
  7. Jesus, nice studio BoomTishFace
  8. It's probably quarantined on a special server with a skull and bones on the side of it
  9. I won't rest until every last watmm thread is covered in my slime
  10. Two longstanding dogmas: -Schizophrenia (et all) is unique to humans -it's caused by a mysterious brew of chemicals, stress and genetics TL;DR we don't know what it is, but we're certain only humans get it
  11. If anyone wants to help me try to poke holes in it, I would love that. My phone is about to die and the chord is dead so I'll be offline until tomorrow But anyway, thanks for letting me bend your ears, fam Cheers
  12. TL;DR = OCD, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, etc are all shades of the same basic phenomenon Essentially, they're different 'resting states' of the same underlying phenomenon, and all admit of a single solution They only look different because "anomaly hypothesizing" is fluid (not necessarily fixed) across time So bipolar is just the tendency to bounce between "nothing can hurt me" and "everything can hurt me" in response to random anomalies in the environment (the two 'poles' are highly sensitive to stress and good fortune, respectively)
  13. By "I stumbled upon a cure" I mean "the cure was buried in the literature all along but, due to poor cross-discipline communication, nobody put two and two together" Look, we know if you reward/punish a rat at random intervals, it will become "superstitious" Meaning: it will devise a (shitty) model for predicting anomalies That is literally what psychosis/delusion is...(although we don't have access to the lab rat's thoughts, and we think of "delusions" as specific linguistic maps/models unique to humans, so we don't attribute "delusions" to the rat)
  14. I am very very very very hesitant to say this because it sounds frankly insane... But I think I've stumbled upon a) a simple Behaviorist (e.g. "from the perspective of a lab rat") model of stress-induced mental illness, and b) thus a subsequent cure for schizophrenia, bipolar, and all stress-induced mental illness. (I'm gonna bounce it off a clinical psychologist on Thusday and see what sorts of holes he can poke in it)
  15. Yeah Flaubert is a cool-ass dude
  16. It doesn't really matter what the particular motivation is, I don't think.Whether's it's sexual rejection (e.g. Elliot Rogers), racial scapegoating (e.g. The kid who shot up the black church because of course black people are the reason I'm so miserable), or some abstract ideological concern, the distorted maps that lead to evil are all the same: You are *here* The thing you want is *there* And 'other people' are the obstacles standing in your way And of course I am perfect (and therefor don't need to change) so *they* are the problem The conditions for those "maps" to develop are relevant though. (parents etc..)Yeah...I think the basic precondition for evil is "I acted towards a desired outcome, and the world punished me for it" So maybe you go up to talk to a girl you like in the hallway, and you ask her out, and she starts laughing and so does everyone else within earshot...and maybe everybody teases you about it for the rest of the school year... That would generate anger and resentment, and so now we have the basic starting conditions for evil Now, you can plug any possible goal/motivation into that algorithm and the results will always be the the same (save for the surface details)...and so the ideal, healthy person is one that troubleshoots himself first (instead of instantly assuming that he's right and the world is wrong)
  17. You are a lucky-ass guy to have such a thoughtful girlfriend
  18. It doesn't really matter what the particular motivation is, I don't think. Whether's it's sexual rejection (e.g. Elliot Rogers), racial scapegoating (e.g. The kid who shot up the black church because of course black people are the reason I'm so miserable), or some abstract ideological concern, the distorted maps that lead to evil are all the same: You are *here* The thing you want is *there* And 'other people' are the obstacles standing in your way And of course I am perfect (and therefor don't need to change) so *they* are the problem
  19. The mythological ingredients of evil: Anger - "society is preventing me from getting what I want" Resentment - "society is an obstacle that should be done away with" Arrogance - "the problem is you, not me...because I'm perfect and my behavior *would* be producing the outcomes I want...were it not for you people" Deceit - "here is a fake (linguistic) map of me that (self-servingly) omits the fact that I'm full of snakes"
  20. My iPad is crammed full of cat pics So...
  21. Hmm Yeah I guess its an additive synth I still don't know anything about its specs Just seen a couple impressive demos Sorry for disinfo
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