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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. the look on his face when they cut his head off! totally classic. "How can you do me like that when I've done so much for you? Look into your heart...I'm begging you..."
  2. Let's all take a moment of silence for Gaddafi, man of the people (Net worth: $200 billion)
  3. Yet another Republic senator calls for death of HRC Bush Sr voting for HRC Bush Jr rumored to be voting for HRC Glenn Beck voting for HRC What the fuck is going on... fucking Alt-Right trying to bring literal fascism to America
  4. Umm, she's a deeply corrupt human being And she and Bill belong in prison Bill was a war criminal, and Hillary will be too (But at least she won't tear down our global civilization, so Hillary it is) Let's not lose sight of morality here And make excuses for her
  5. He's gonna write in "Private Prisons 4 Prez IMO"
  6. No no no First Fight Club 2 (graphic novel...just a matter of time, tho) now T2? Lemme guess...Ewan McGregor works in an office and for two hours he talks to HR about dress policy and then he meets a buddy at the water cooler and they're feeling a bit cheeky so on their lunch break they both grab a *double* espresso from Starbucks to buck the system The last twenty minutes are of EM waiting to get a prostate exam...the epilogue states that his prostate was slightly inflamed due to poor diet, but nothing serious *cue "Lust for Life" and roll credits*
  7. There was a NYT article today about how the vast majority of voters haven't changed their mind since the nominations...and why the polls don't reflect that very well
  8. https://i.reddituploads.com/fa72182178a840658d697829a36d44a3?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536 Edit: I fucking hate Tapatalk
  9. 'Second-degree' murder... "medium rare" if you will
  10. It's the Blair Witch Project for people who have a "LiveLeaks" account
  11. How blind are you, my friend? Stuff like this is happening all over America: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/university-of-florida-counseling-students-offended-by-halloween-costumes/ I mean, that's the more comical end of things, but listen to Jonathan Haidt talk about it if you don't believe me (You don't live in America, do you?)
  12. 1) Remember when there was talk of a bill requiring women to register for the draft? 2) it wasn't a guy who said it, and the Internet is lousy with evidence of these sorts of attitudes 3) yeah, the Tumblr-Left is quickly becoming mainstream because of this "go back to r/redpill" attitude...like only a 4chan power-user could possibly have such concerns
  13. I am always curious about the spectrum of ideologies in this world... I'm specifically fascinated by the Alt-Right and the Tumblr-Left
  14. She's not saying "nobody should be drafted" she said "I suddenly don't want equality" meaning roughly "I liked it better when things were unequal and only men were getting drafted...I'm only interested in reaping the BENEFITs of equality, I don't actually have a principled desire for equality"
  15. But men are definitely for the draft, right? Gimme the GOOD bits of gender equality but not the BAD bits
  16. Well, Occam's Razor doesn't necessarily point ones towards the truth. The most parsimonious explanation is not always the correct one. Anomalies are part of reality, so appeals to probability can lead one astray.
  17. I think the one optimistic lesson from this election is that things have probably been roughly this corrupt and ugly forever (y'know, give or take) but we're actually just getting good at uncovering it.
  18. Y'all saw this, right? https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/cnn-drops-donna-brazile-as-pundit-over-wikileaks-revelations/2016/10/31/2f1c6abc-9f92-11e6-8d63-3e0a660f1f04_story.html
  19. FBI investigating Trump's campaign manager: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-making-inquiry-ex-trump-campaign-manager-s-foreign-ties-n675881
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