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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. I mean Deer it's probably my fault In high school I had two friends independently tell me that they couldn't tell when I was joking Couple that with the poe's law-ness of the Internet And you have a recipe for chaos Also I'm mentally ill and on drugs
  2. Deer, you asked me the same thing when I jokingly used the word "synergy" (And a couple other times too IIRC)
  3. I'm sorry you feel that way, Deer Please except our deepest apologies and this coupon for one free LimpyLoo post* redeemable at a LimpyLoo near you *post will be "haha sexual"
  4. I'm just curious, Alco, but why specifically do you think I'm shite? I'm happy to take your criticism on board and see what I can do with it
  5. I didn't say it was the end of the world I just thought it was noteworthy
  6. If you're gonna shoehorn your social/political agenda into a 7th grade Spanish class, at LEAST find a way to relate it to what you're supposed to be teaching. Otherwise you're just randomly preaching to a room full of people who are there to learn Spanish.
  7. Teacher gives a "privilege test" to middle-schoolers: http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/parents-furious-over-7th-grade-quiz-on-privilege/
  8. Apparently DEA is currently thinking about rescheduling marijuana
  9. Tenure might protect from losing your job, but that is not the only "accountability" And besides, not ever professor has tenure, so....
  10. https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12783831_1721621341456076_2024958579_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIxOTk2NTc1NzY3Nzg5MzU4Ng%3D%3D.2
  11. It's not a request, it's an unintended consequence How could "holding teacher's accountable" for controversial content NOT result in altered curricula? If you dis-incentivize something, it will happen less...that is as fundamental as psychological facts get
  12. You should post that in the "cop murders unarmed civilian' thread then because that's a more appropriate thread then the funny pictures thread
  13. Apparently kid owed her $50 for a slice of killa she cuffed him
  14. She's facing 1-10 years in prison for felony 'cruelty of a child'
  15. This is totally random but... Georgia teacher smashing a special needs student: http://i.imgur.com/cJgtl5c.gifv http://i.imgur.com/cJgtl5c.gifv Bah, how do you post gifs on Tapatalk?
  16. The fact that you couldn't find 'any reasonable argument' from Haidt is suspicious IMO At the very least I agree with the girl but simply think her proposed means don't serve the ends she is ostensibly interested in To literally not see any value in Haidt's perspective is proof that you are a brick wall on this matter and I guess I'm done wasting time here
  17. there are some childish examples, no need to construct some massive, horrible threat to intellectual development of humanity out of those anecdotes. the whole thing is basically something like an enhancement of not saying nigger and fag in public and being aware of your public, nothing more. professors who make a big deal out of it are either incompetent and are incapable of dealing with such complaints in a convincing manner head on, or simply want to act as some martyr-knight in some faux crusade. As with the Action Bronson cancellation, the most sensitive students are dictating the curricula for everyone. Professors are self-censoring to avoid disciplinary action (and understandably so). Look at the reasons why professors are being "held accountable" and it's not encouraging.
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