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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. As a BB fanatic...should I be watching BCS? How would y'all rate the writing (etc) compared to BB?
  2. Oh yeah, when they were looking for Carol's shitty kid?
  3. The Walking Dead is a prequel to Everybody Loves Raymond.
  4. That sounds about right, especially the higher up the ladder you go. And as an aside, I think that is an unavoidable problem of this era of image-conscious, PR-minded political campaigns. It is a system that selects for the best rhetorician and campaigner, not the person who was best-suited all along. (This probably sounds insane, but I think political candidates shouldn't be allowed to get feedback on how they're coming off, as it rewards cynical image management and demagoguery)
  5. That interpretation is the most cynical possible interpretation of things. It strikes me as a sort of Tumblr Revisionism: That white liberals are simply posturing, and only doing the absolute minimum (civil rights-wise) to secure the black vote. Malcolm X did change his tune. Famously, a white woman once came up to him and said "what can I do to help?" and he said "nothing." (Later he said he regretted this). But I think that moment was the birth of the Tumblrina...a sort of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation whereby you are guilty simply by virtue of being white (or male, or American, or cis, or whatever). Any genuine attempts on your part to help will be construed as hegemony or demagoguery or anything but a sincere desire to improve things. Anyway, I think that is a severely backwards take on things. Certainly it hasn't all been unambiguously positive and sincere, but c'mon now.
  6. Historically, Libertarianism wasn't at all what it is today. In fact,i t kinda meant the opposite of what it means today. (much like "republican", "democrat", "conservative" etc) The Libertarian ethos used to essentially be "no god, no master" and wasn't merely an obsession do with de-regulation and not wanting to pay taxes. And it certainly wasn't the ideological opposite of Socialism (although there were different strains that fell along the left/right spectrum). In fact, the whole "no master" bit had as much to do with wage labor as it did with the government. Economically-speaking, "Libertarianism" these days means "extreme-right free market advocate", at least in America. As Chomsky and many others have pointed out, this is essentially a call for Corporate Tyranny. The idea that completely-unfettered markets would be good for the average person is a truly insane delusion. Such a world would look like Neuromancer or Snow Crash.
  7. How is socialism worse than crony capitalism? Perhaps you're thinking of the "socialism" of USSR etc?
  8. Well keep in mind that almost all of the GOP candidates have already been elected to high-ranking positions. I am a little worried that we'll have a GOP president. And I think the stakes are higher than usual. The next 10 years are gonna be crucial in a very novel way: automation is poised to start replacing human labor very soon. The only way this won't be catastrophic is if we (America, humanity) embrace Socialism and start treating America like a co-op. If we get a president (and Congress and Senate etc) that perpetuates the usual "socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else" policies, then we are gonna have a very big problem on our hands. /sci-fi paranoia
  9. Black Mirror's "White Christmas" was transcendently good Can't wait for more
  10. There was supposed to be a RoK meetup in Bangor, ME (like 10 miles from me), but there was gonna be a huge Nasty protest or something about female boxers or IDK. I mean, obviously I hate all that MRA shit, but also I'm weirded out by the idea of intimidating them into silence. That seems like an extension of the campus PC wars, where controversial speakers are, in effect, censored. I think that's a very ugly thing, and something we should all push back against (while also ridiculing RoK types).
  11. I love the TAL SH-101 vst I think with a midi keyboard it's like 95% "there" (And even more so if you re-amp it through some transistors)
  12. Haha I have already found inner peace regarding my mosquito-ness: My tribe is currently exacting revenge on the humans with disease and mosquito bites I'll check out Ant-Man if/when it hits Netflix Got a Roku box now *Arsenio Hall fist-pump motion*
  13. My gal doesn't want kidsBut that's probably because I look like a fucking mosquito And she doesn't want to bear the seed of Mosquito Man And cast forth little mosquito people into the world FWP: when I get skinny, I look fucking weird Almost like a mosquito Dawg, you need to see Ant-Man in 3D. You'll feel like Gladiator as the credits roll. Gonna review it in the film thread soon. I was following the pre-production drama for a while How the director whose passion project is was bailed And some other random director got assigned to it And how everyone was worried it would be generic schlock So it was good, then?
  14. I think it would mean putting off other things to masturbate (Not that I have ever done that, nor would I ever)
  15. My gal doesn't want kids But that's probably because I look like a fucking mosquito And she doesn't want to bear the seed of Mosquito Man And cast forth little mosquito people into the world FWP: when I get skinny, I look fucking weird Almost like a mosquito
  16. "...Ready and willing to fight for the cause of liberty." Do right-libertarians actually think that de-regulating the world would lead to more liberty? Does anybody actually wanna live in a country with no EPA or FDA? I mean, look at how bad corporations act with the regulations currently in place: imagine how Nestle or Apple or Monsanto would behave in the Ron Paul Utopia.
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