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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. My lawyer is awesome...today he wormed me out of a year's worth of probation (i.e. peeing in a cup for "the man") and instead I merely have to do 3 months of once/week drug counseling
  2. What's going on here?Edit: Oh shit, this might huge
  3. I just went out back to have a smoke and his speech was being blasted from loudspeakers in front of the Eastland hotel. The Trump supporters are a weird mix of white trash and snooty business-oriented hicks, with the odd 20-something-with-libertarian-haircut assholes. Oh and lots of 'trashy aunt'-looking women.
  4. There is currently a Trump rally 100ft from my apartment Fucking hell...
  5. Currently headed to Bernie rally 100ft from my apt.
  6. "...But I like what I'm looking at" is such a weird phrase.
  7. Because a self-described 'socialist' is gonna have a hard time winning a general election in 2016 America The word 'socialist' is still an insult most places (I'm still pulling for him, of course)
  8. (6:10...montage of Trump praising dictators) https://youtube.com/watch?v=n5q1cxIU01M
  9. Yikes If I knew how to use Tapatalk, I would make that my sig
  10. Alabama bans minimum wage increase: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/26/alabama-passes-law-banning-minimum-wage-increase
  11. Decidedly, Cruz is scarier than Trump Who was the far-right Christian presidential candidate last go'round who wanted to criminalize masturbation? I feel like Cruz has that same sorta vision for the country/world
  12. Are you serious, m9!?!?!?! What a shame, if so
  13. GW Bush found a portal behind a cabinet that leads to inside Donald Trump...so GW Bush is controlling Trump, Being John Malcovich-style.
  14. Zeff, it really helps to have a babysitter with you who isn't tripping To make sure you don't go down some nightmarish rabbit hole Plus the whole "set and setting" thing P.S. certain anti-psychotics (the ones that act on dopamine signaling, I think) will immediately stop a trip...
  15. It's legal to pull their hoods off, right? Either way, I'd do it.
  16. It's kinda strange how squarely and neatly you align with the Democratic Party Line Hillary is the quintessential 'cynical demagogue owned by corporations' I don't even know where to begin... She's only as progressive as she needs to be at any given moment (e.g. Gay marriage) She has a long history of hardcore shilling for big ugly corporations (e.g. Walmart, entire Wall St) Bragging about being pals with Kissinger (war criminal) Moral hypocrisy when it comes to allegations against her husband (also war criminal) Just look at her campaign contributions...should tell you all you need to know These are just what I could think of off the top of my head P.S. Who cares about emails or Bengazi? I certainly don't
  17. Anybody ever check out Yusef Lateef's book of scales/raags/patterns? Really Cool Stuff.
  18. Life is awesome. My girlfriend and our two cats are awesome. I've started obsessively making choons again. My new Babyface Pro is awesome. As is my new Eastman archtop. Yay life!
  19. Interesting...well I guess I'll have to give it a go, then.
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