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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. But then the episode ends with some like Navaho trap beat so I don't know what to think lol
  2. The casino episode was very Walker Texas Ranger lol Up until the stilted Native American dudes, I was impressed with the acting on this show
  3. But to be sure, it knows when it's a drama and when it's a comedy And the drama is super high-quality (The occasional child actors are even good ffs)
  4. Okay so I'm halfway through season 2 And this show is getting crazy and camp Occasionally dipping into "Dead Alive"/"Return of the Living Dead" territory There was just a "previously on..." montage comprised of total random nonsense Weird ass fucking show Oscillates between pitch-perfect drama and complete madness (each episode has a different tone)
  5. http://www.avclub.com/article/against-all-odds-syfys-z-nation-has-become-show-wo-228623 This show made me realize how profoundly bad WD is ("A soap opera with zombies" as my girlfriend called WD)
  6. I am 100% serious I'll break it down... The writing is amazing The show (self-consciously) references zombie pop culture It's perfectly cinematic-looking There is no cheap suspense No sacred cows Killing zombies is never (directly) a plot device Awesome characters (that aren't pissy and melodramatic) The show's sense of humor is awesome (E.g. During a nuclear blast, a major character hides in a 50's style fridge and immediately dies) The show plays with structure and perspective in subtle ways It doesn't stagnate (like WD does) You have no fucking clue what'll happen next Characters aren't momentarily dumb at crucial moments There are only a few shows I've ever seen where I wouldn't change a thing And so far (season 2, ep 3) I wouldn't change a thing And according to the AV Club reviews, it gets better yet Yeah, I was expecting 'Sharknado with zombies' But this show is amazing Perfect balance of comedy/drama (the comedy is selectively peppered throughout) I'm as confused as you are, frankly SyFy virtually always spells B-movie garbage Watch the first 4-5 episodes and tell me what you think But yeah, I'm serious Edit: I might be overselling it... perhaps I'm simply impressed by a show that isn't riddled with flaws But this show has yet to let me down even once Not even a little bit (hence the Wire/BB comparison)
  7. Z Nation is (somehow) fucking amazing Really, it got shopped around and picked up by fucking SyFy So I was really skeptical going in But it's (shit, I can't believe I'm gonna fucking say this) like Wire/BB good It's like they used Walking Dead as a cautionary tale for what not to do I'm like...how is a show on SyFy so well fucking written? It's got a great sense of humor I just...I'm fucking shocked So yeah, watch it
  8. Well here's the thing: As a Wu-Tang album, what you're describing wouldn't be worth shit However, as a general cultural artifact, it'd be pretty interesting There's a Japanese concept called 'kintsugi' whereby whatever damage (and subsequent repair) an artifact accumulates over its lifetime is part of its beauty
  9. I'm guessing he'd release the album online sans GFK Because the value isn't in the physical copy per se But rather the (artificial) scarcity of the actual music It's like if you had a thumbdrive with valuable information The thumbdrive itself is still only worth $5 or whatever It's worthless as soon as the content is copied So there's nothing really special about the Wu Tang cd (is it a cd?) If you copied it to a CD-R and then destroyed the original I think (most of) the value would simply transfer over to the CD-R Or something, I'm tired
  10. Q Totally possible using Spectral Cleansing Trivially easy, in fact
  11. Also, the Teabagger Governor of my state wants to bring back the guillotine for drug dealers. http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/26/politics/paul-lepage-maine-guillotine/
  12. There's a bloody tampon in the parking area and because of the rain, there's a giant blood trail behind it tempted to snap a pic of it
  13. is that SDC? what's happening in this pic though? it took me a while, but I think it's the reaction from the guy on the left to getting yer wan with the pink hair's hair in his face. oh ha didn't even notice that p.s. is the dude in the middle trying to steal something?
  14. I love how much this album is pissing off jazz snobs (i fucking hate jazz snobs)
  15. Elektron Analog Keys, obv Are those API channels? I can't tell what any of that rack stuff is Ah missed the analog keys thx I don't know why i thought it was the Analog Keys it's an Akai midi keyboard (as someone corrected me above)
  16. i suk wat issit den
  17. Elektron Analog Keys, obv Are those API channels? I can't tell what any of that rack stuff is
  18. neat are those speakers? usagi, you should grab a pack of Crest white strips...
  19. There is hope yet! http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00673/full
  20. Hopefully history will remember Jobs as a monster who built a toxic, blood-soaked empire on the backs of exploited workers and shameful market maneuvers. (History should look back on overseas cheap labor by monstrously-wealthy corporations as being just a notch below slavery, IMO. ) P.S. Usagi you nailed it, indeed My father is the most elegant case study in this I've ever seen He listens to right-wing propaganda and eats it up He works his ass off and gets paid dirt by his lazy miserly boss And yet you'll never meet anyone so pro-capitalism, pro-tax cuts for the uber-wealthy, anti-union, anti-minimum wage hikes, anti-socialism, anti-climate change (just for good measure) All he talks about is the concerns of business owners Never a peep about the workers whose labor brings said business owners all their wealth (Like literally: not a single pro-worker sentiment since I was born) So yeah the propaganda works like a charm, unfortunately "AHHHHHHH" -Marilyn Manson
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