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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Historically, Libertarianism meant "freedom from masters" and had a strong communitarianism component...often with the idea that renting oneself to a master in a capitalist system is immoral In America, it means "freedom from taxes" and "freedom for corporations to do whatever they please" and eschews all the communitarianism stuff for raw unadulterated anarcho-capitalism injected straight in the dick...and if the world turns into Neuromancer or some nightmarish caste system then hey that's okay because "freedom"
  2. 1) nobody here is advocating for regulating good behavior (on the part of consumers)...I'm certainly not, at least We're talking about regulation protecting people from predatory corporations We know for a fact corporations will do some nasty shit if they can get away with it Again, without regulation, what would prevent monopolies? Without regulation, what would prevent pollution/sewage being dumped in lakes and rivers? 2) Taxes are for implementing policies decided by our representative democracy...it only feels like stealing because the gov't currently isn't very 'representative'
  3. I wonder just how bad things could get under President Trump Like, I wonder if America could become a fascist dictatorship Ratcheted up in small increments, like the old boiling frog Like, could we get Nazism 2.0 in America? Or is there something IN PRINCIPLE stopping that from happening I mean the constitution is only as strong as the people upholding it...
  4. Adieu, how will antibiotics/hormones situation be improved by loosening regulation? This is the point you keep tap-dancing over.
  5. Adieu, my friend, literally everything you listed would be worse in a right-libertarian society. GMO's Pollution Aflatoxin HFCS Adulterants in Meat You think antibiotics in meat are bad? Imagine what would get put in meat if there was no FDA, no regulation First off, you couldn't be sure you weren't eating dog meat Secondly, your meat would certainly have antibiotics As well as anything else they felt like putting in there There's no FDA to protect you from literally being poisoned anymore But yay, we don't have to pay taxes anymore...."freedom"!
  6. Okay, again....how is the HFCS situation gonna improve by removing regulation? You are pointing out legit problems, but your proposed solutions are complete non-sequiturs.
  7. Okay, now imagine how much worse these things would be with no FDA, EPA, BBB, etc. Explain how this wouldn't be a nightmare...let alone how it'd be better. You also wanna defund police, right? Please just walk us through the broad strokes of this world.
  8. Imagine going to buy something--food, a car, a humidifier, literally anything--and not knowing whether that thing is gonna kill you or not. (Or best case scenario: you know not to buy something because it's already killed thousands of people)
  9. Not so much 'naive' as 'disastrously barbaric' In this Ayn Rand utopia, what would happen to people who can't take care of themselves? Who would ensure the food you're about to consume isn't tainted with E Coli? Who will ensure corporations don't freely pollute? How will we pay for infrastructure? How will we prevent monopolies? Etc etc
  10. Actually that last one is me, so thanks a lot
  11. I just wrote a long reply, but realized Chomsky could explain it 100x better than me https://youtube.com/watch?v=NajQTN9qhXg
  12. I'm really kinda bummed that you still don't see how repugnant Ron and Rand Paul are They are anarcho-capitalists...the world they want to live in would be a nightmare for most people (including me, you and everyone else here)
  13. I even loathe the haircuts of the people at trump rallies A lot of "20-year old Gordon Gecko libertarian'-looking assholes Bah *makes dismissive swatting gesture*
  14. Can someone shop a Hillary Clinton klingon? Please?
  15. IMO it's silly to be "pro-" one or the other: One is a country based on 'God promised us this land and we're not gonna budge no matter what' (and when it finally gets itself a sensible leader that says "hey let's maybe give up some land for the sake of peace"...homeboy gets assassinated) And the other is...well, just read the Hamas Charter So yeah, both countries are deluded theocracies
  16. True American right there. *salutes confederate flag with sunburnt erection*
  17. Mmmm WATMM knows by now how much I love a good P-value *unzips pants*
  18. Wow that is news to me! I guess I fell off with the acne science a few years ago
  19. I understand But acne is a complex and still-somewhat-mysterious mechanism You can't know if Zinc is acting on that mechanism Or is simply acting on a third factor that is acting on the mechanism I guess my point is that you can't generalize that "Zinc treats acne" With an uncontrolled, unblinded N=1 trial
  20. Well, as far as Zinc goes, just remember that humans are prone to seeing patterns where there are none Even if you somehow were able to control all other factors in your environment besides Zinc, you have no idea what is going on in your body Maybe your acne is clearing up because you haven't eaten [insert food] n two weeks, or you started showering at the perfect frequency coupled with washing your face with a towel instead of your hands, or maybe it is indeed the Zinc You will probably never know Just remember that belief is probabilistic And all you can do is plug your observations into your rough Bayesian model of the world, and go from there
  21. Retinol will take care of acne scars (I still have faint ones on my temples but mostly they're all gone thanks to Retinol) What does your diet look like?
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