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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. This is ace. Probably too much for us to handle, all these. I've only listened to 1 so far. Part 1. Hot mudda dang. We are imperialists of the modern age.

  2. I don't mind the price so much - one thing I noticed though is when you buy the package (all 5 EPs), elseq3 has no discount applied - I wonder if this was an oversight or on purpose...


    I love the fact AE are being innovative in their releases - and very generous considering how much music is here!


    'rex you old goat, you're right. The volume of music justifies the price.

  3. Love the previews on ae bleep, sound great, bad release date though, they should have waited till the end of the month when everyone gets paid

  4. Watched Wolverine's Origin film last night, i liked it but can't get my head around Deadpool's appearance. He basically get's changed into a completely different creature. In Deadpool it's like he just he's in the pub and that's the start. Did the timeline get changed in XMen:DOFP? Even if it did, the years don't work out.

    Sorry, i'm all geeked out

  5. Rewatched The Master last night and i think it's the most rewarding second viewing I've had of any film. Watching the characters rather than worrying about anything else that's going on. It's funny, engrossing, sad and profound. Just don't want to be reminded of that many hairy bushes again though. They looked like the pelts from The Revenant.

  6. Goatse and black philip may be seperated by 350 years, but they both knew how to sieze the phenomenen of their era. For goatse it was the birth of the net. He made a name for himself working the web before reality tv. Black Philip played the same game with witchcraft. Both are innovators.

  7. Did anyone get the criterion blu rays of Eraserhead or Mullholland Drive? After watching The Entire Mystery i'm seriously impressed with the image and sound, especially on Fire Walk With Me which is like a different film from when I last watched it 15 years ago (partially due to my much improved hardware). I now want definitive versions of as much as I can get, the Eraserhead disk has an ultra HD transfer which looks brilliant and a bunch of short films and a lot of interviews.

  8. I don't recall any supernatural stuff in Lost Highway either, I thought that the psychogenic fugue theory covered all bases. I always thought that Lost Highway and Mullholland were more closely linked than Twin Peaks' world is to either of them because Lost Highway and Mullholland events stem from the minds of the protagonist. But I guess that's debatable.

  9. Ah, ok. They need to take a firmer stance with the guy. Maybe they think getting him away from home will broaden his horizons and take his mind off his past problems, but they can't baby him. I'd be ultra pissed if they started giving him spending money, if he has the job at the cinema that's the money he should be using to buy dinner and support himself on his trip. Show that he's an adult. Otherwise it'll be like Baby's day out. A 25 year old baby.

  10. Oh what a god damn troublesome time trying to get this toggle attached back onto the jacket zip. It doesn't seem to be possible, the internet yields no results. It looks as though the zip needs to come off to loop on, but the zip doesn't come off.


    It should look like the pic below, completely puzzled. Talk about first world problems! This one has no forseeable solution! And I want that toggle back on there.



  11. Hitman Go is great. Putting the hitman into a chess style grid where he has to move around his targets like a board game puzzle style strategy doesn't sound very Hitman, but it's addictive, i spent an hour and a half at work today stuck on level 14. I just can't find any possible way to get round the henchmen grab the suitcase and kill the mark. More brain power required.

  12. I don't know what it is about American Hustle but I'm hooked from the first minute. Double dawg dang! Every time it's on tv I am transfixed, and it isn't even my type of film really, I love the banter in it,

    Anyway, it's just started on Sky and once again I won't be able to stop watching


    gutted Tec, Stew is usually on point, missed these for various reasons


    maybe that fat bbc pay check curbed his bile


    It's either self-sabotage or not to my tastes, but it definitely treads familiar ground.



    He has one last shot, last show of the series tonight. In half an hour on BBC2, one last throw of the dice. It'll be more of the same. I've found him funny occasionally this series but it really has been a bit boring, self referential and self congratulatory. He can do better than his.

    One last show to save his reputation and it's about taking the piss out of urinals according to the Metro. Lets see how this pans out.

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