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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. american-crime-story-the-people-v-oj-sim


    another good episode. i liked the improve of the juice wigging out in the bronco because that could have easily ruined the entire episode- yet it worked. travolta as shapiro is really freaky looking (can't get over that). and there's something quite not right about ross as kardashian (and that whole side of the cast). otherwise, this is great


    Yeah, this is great. First episode was odd, thrown right in there, (not too familiar with OJ's story but knew the basics, he's a forgotten man in the Britain). Superb 2nd episode with these absurd characters adjusting to the fact OJ was cruising along the highway in the Bronco with the gun to his head and his bitch AC driving. Schwimmer and Travolta are excellent as the comedy lawyers with divided loyalties. Paulson is intimidating and scary as the DA banking her life on nailing him. Genius when it cut's to the guys in Pizza Hut making the pizza's, they've ran out of cheese and can't get enough delivery guys out.

    Very impressed so far.


    Sorry about that Luke, you know if you get someone else and she's female, eventually she's going to want kids too. If you're over relationships altogether, welcome to mgtow. But I spose it's more that you just don't intellectually connect ? Which leaves you needing more than just a loyal lover can provide?


    meh, I'm glad I don't have to deal with this shit.

    My gal doesn't want kids

    But that's probably because I look like a fucking mosquito

    And she doesn't want to bear the seed of Mosquito Man

    And cast forth little mosquito people into the world



    FWP: when I get skinny, I look fucking weird

    Almost like a mosquito



    Dawg, you need to see Ant-Man in 3D. You'll feel like Gladiator as the credits roll. Gonna review it in the film thread soon.


    So I decide a 46'' TV is just too small for me now, i want 55''.

    Just get a good 60" tv. I honestly don't see any reason to get a 4K tv right now. If 4K is the new shit then I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. Also, don't ever be an early adopter when it comes to technology.



    You're right. I got 4k on my mind after seeing them in Costco. 55'' or 60'' 1080p will do me just fine. I didn't sell my 46'' anyway so i'm stuck with it for the time being which i'm fine with. More time to save up.

  4. Over the last couple of months theres been so many films I've started watching and lost interest in on the 20 minute mark (most recently San Andreas last night but that was more to do with the 3d glasses being annoying), I vow to go back to them but they're mounting. I sometimes go back and watch the rest but watching a film in bitesize is chunks detracts. I think its more my attention span rather than the quality of the film.

  5. Harold & Kumar both seemed equally high and dumb.so that supports the theory that intolerance has nothing to do with race. I bought some new more expensive shit today (could only afford an 8th), this shit is stinky, I can tell it's gonna be more cost effective because less is more. I only roll one skinners mixed with tobacco to gauge the intensity. That pic I was talking about a few posts above of the beady eyed Kardashian looking guy raiding the freezer for a Chicago Town microwave twin pack is something I think about often. It seems he was at the peak of highness.

  6. So I decide a 46'' TV is just too small for me now, i want 55''. Trying to raise funds for the 55'' so put the 46'' Bravia up for sale, a lot of interest, presumably it's getting sold tomorrow which will leave me with no TV. Decided earlier I now want 4k. Ideas just snowball. Hopefully an extended period of no TV will get me reading more.

  7. He's the most interesting candidate. That's for damn sure. I'm playing his golf course in Aberdeen in April, looking forward to it, he's pumped a lot of cash into it to try and make it the best course in the world, and a some friends who have played it said it's a beautiful looking course but it's been designed to be a championship course and it's very difficult up there even for pro's. They enjoyed it as a one off but couldn't deal with being members, all the staff in the club were like Trump 'Yes' men and everything was overpriced and carefully controlled as hell. The reality is he would do the same to America.

  8. Yup, it was just a bad idea for a film badly done. I realised early on the whole thing hinged on the power of suggestion and there wasn't going to be much of a pay off. But it was worse than that. I like Ethan Hawke but he must have had so much faith in director he didn't read the script.

  9. The Cannabis Cup, holy shit. It effects different people differently whatever the strain, I think it depends on how the person is wired up and what state of mind they're in. I remember 2 or 3 years ago on this very forum there was some Indian guy with the eyes Tsism Fuckus was posting pics of himself saying he was high. He was raiding the fridge saying he had the munchies. Not seen him since, I assume he OD'd.


    My thoughts about the twist in Cloverfield 2...



    John Goodman is Cloverfield.


    hes big enough





    Is this a fat joke, oh my gord, soo triggered



    Delete, that was awful. olo's post wasn't his finest hour (sent douche chills down the spine) already cringing from that misfire then you come along with the reply from hell. Double dawg dang. Taking small comfort that you didn't put one of those dumb ''heh''s in it.

  11. In response to wredny's post, re-listening to these sets so much I can't be arsed posting. I just listen to them in awe. I guess everyone else is digging them more too.

  12. I liked h8ful a lot, twas a brilliantly well written mystery, I just wonder if the inherent Tarantinoinisms detract a little. The story and characers were well fleshed out and engaging, QT just like to put his stamp on it regardless, perhaps to it's detriment. Also, I would have loved to have seen Tim Spall play Oswadlo Mowbray.

  13. True. That's the Ae way. I spent so long listening to Confield and when Draft came out I wasn't into it at all at first apart from V-Proc even though I was listening to it constantly trying to ''get it'', months later Sudden Roundabout and Surripere clicked completely then Untitled and I was bewildered again. But yeah, Surripere as an entry point is mind blowing, given all that I got through to get to it. Ae rock.

    *listens to Draft all the way through on headphones*

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