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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. You need to say what kind of 3D you watched it in for the reader to be able to make the comparison between that and the cinema. This basically means stating the model number of the TV. Dredd was the second film I watched when I got my TV and remember it being pretty cool with those slowed down sequences, and all the shattered glass flying around and the bass.

  2. Even in his darkest hours in the jail cell his dick remains hard enough to dent a car.

    He's a creature of impulse, he want's to get his thang on. He want's to feel.

    It did remind of drillkicker a little, when he said nature was telling him to do an unspecified thing and he didn't know what it was, he just had a deep feeling. For Cosby it was jackhammering flesh caverns with his monogamy periscope. For drillkicker it was pipe dreams about getting out of Maryland, hopping into a sweet ass combo of retro german/french military clothing and exploring the jungle with a machete. Both were very different people, both fell by the wayside.

  3. Sicario 7/10 - Good but not great. Not sure keeping the viewer in the dark for so long serves as a decent narrative. Great visual style with the net curtain shots and helicopter shots. Made me want to watch the sublime Enemy again.

  4. You're like a Canadian Tim Leary, Stephen G. I don't wanna see you here in 5 years as a burnt out acid freak with no self awareness dishing out deep feels as if you're the only man on planet earth. Now gimme your best speaker stand height.

  5. Cosby won't take responsibility for his own dick. Here is his defence:

    The penis is nature's periscope and instinctively seeks out fleshy caverns to explore for its own gratification. That'll be why it's got that all seeing eye on the end. Once it finds a cavern that's sufficiently stimulating it begins to dance in a piston like motion. It raves.


    Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk

  6. Krakow kicks bitches asses all over town. Hot dang motherfucker this shit is fresher than crème fresh.


    It's difficult to put into words but I see this Turner painting when the beats kick in.

  7. Holy Toledo

    My mind continues to be blown on every re-listen. Dang!!! Holy ****

    This is some next level dimension we're being sucked into with these beats.

    Paranormal Activity 8: The Ae Dimension :catrecline:

  8. High Castle is very good so far, 3 episodes in. Excellent production design and lots of mystery. A Nazi/Japan run USA is pretty nightmarish in '62. Gotta get your ass to Colorado (neutral state). Hitler is old and senile in '62 and there's a worry everywhere that there's gonna be war between Nazi's and Japan for all out control of America once the old bastard dies.

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