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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Scaramouche

  1. Cape/Southern Penduline Tit (Anthoscopus minutus) They build elaborate nests, suspending them from branches using spiderweb, animal hair... the nests incorporate a false entrance to confuse predators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthoscopus#:~:text=The true nesting chamber is,protect the eggs and nestlings.
  2. Lovely. Both See-Through and I'll Look For You In Others are great albums (IMO) 2 of the highlights from 2022.
  3. https://apnews.com/article/henrietta-lacks-hela-cells-thermo-fisher-scientific-bfba4a6c10396efa34c9b79a544f0729 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-66376758
  4. New album dropping on Raster on 29/09/23. I enjoyed Dasha Rush's first showing, Sleepstep, on Raster-Noton back in 2015. It was quite different from her debut album Forms Ain't Formats, which was a nice slice of techno.
  5. I could get into this. Fear of Men sound good too, will have a proper listen.
  6. 2nd album dropping this October. Interesting first single. Her first album Aralkum is brilliant, one of the highlights of 2020 (IMO) Worth checking out.
  7. DJ Last Night I Saved Somebody's Life
  8. DJ Allegations DJ Strictly Come Dancing DJ Gary Bussy
  9. I'd recommend checking out Relocation.Reconstruction, a great long form drone piece initially released on Line, and Blue.Hour.
  10. https://capturedvisions.bandcamp.com
  11. First world problem. I live in a building with 6 flats. We have 5 communal wheelie bins out front for waste and recycling. I'm usually WFH on the collection days. When I grab the post in the morning and see them in disarray, I move them back into position. However, when I'm not around the bins are rarely moved back. They'll just be left blocking the entrance or even left out on the street. I've pretty much stopped moving them now to see how long it takes someone else to bother. Lazy sods.
  12. Interesting. Any recommendation on where to start with BMSR?
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