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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. I hate to interrupt a track mid-song because I need to go to the toilet. But it's still such a minor nuisance that I am not going to invest in wireless headphones. Having it on speakers could solve it, but from the toilet I am not getting the full effect from the music. So I either brave it out until the track is over, risking pooping my pants. But then if it's a longer track that just started...fml.

  2. I find the music not distracting...so it's just good enough. I usually notice if a soundtrack to a movie/series is good, but neither BB or BCS caught my attention. But is the theme to BCS a reworking of the BB theme or am I imagining things.

  3. Finally finished Stephenson's Reamde. It was a nifty thriller yarn and the endings shoot-out was fun. Then I read Hugh Howey's Sand. Didn't like it as much as his Wool series, but was decent enough. It was basically about salvage divers, but in sand. Didn't bother me that the reason why the world was as it was wasn't really explained.


    Now I might finish Daniel Dennet's Consciousness Explained properly, that's been my bog reading material until now.

  4. This show has been great so far. I didn't really know what to expect. Initially the talk seemed that it would be more on the comedy side, but I like the tone of the show. Nice balance between intensity and funniness. Should be interesting to see how Saul's and Mike's relationship develops.

  5. Double dose of rejection from 2 different women. Sometimes just wish i was asexual

    Do what I do, don't bother asking women out. I do it because I have no self-confidence and they apparently don't like that in men. Let the women come after you. If that happens, there must be something that they fancy in you. Down with the patriarchy!

  6. I managed to call the student health service and ask for a talk with a psychologist. Considering my procrastination and general ennui, it might be time to see if I suffer from some sort of mental illness. It's a damn success in my book. Last time I called to get some help, I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. And the original reason I went to the doctor was a big boil on my back that needed popping and thought that I might as well let them know that I've been constantly fatigued and thirsty for the past year. With my luck they are going to lock me into some institution.

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