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Posts posted by azatoth



    Watched the classic 'Blade runner' last night. It was a huge let down, nothing really new in it.

    *Watches 30 year old film, wonders why there isn't anything new in it*


    :cerious: Feels stupid. Well, it was so praised and all. I had good faith for the movie, but halfway of it, you really knew what was going to happen. The plot was boring, there was nothing new. Well I guess it can't be helped, cos it's an oldie.


    Blade Runner and Syd Mead's design is iconic and spawned iterations of it for a multitude of movies, books and games. Visually it's a stunning movie and still the themes presented in the movie I don't think have been explored that much.



    Yeah Sean said in the AAA thread that the whole AE was Warp's "property".

    Wow, really? I am surprised they agreed to that. Maybe they just don't care as much.


    I thought they owned not only ae but also there irl name more or less, so they can't, or at least its very difficult to ever release music anywhere but warp?


    Yeah, Autechre and Brown/Booth are exclusive to Warp. But I guess ae is allowed considering the hafler trio stuff.

  3. Agent Carter is crap, but Haley Atwell has great tits.

    I liked the first two episodes. The third one lost some steam. And yes, Atwell is charming.


    Watched the pilot for the Amazon series, The Man in the High Castle. Looked interesting and I would probably check it out if it becomes a series. Haven't read the book. The opening title was neat looking.

  4. Gone Girl - 8/10


    Very slick looking and sounding Fincher thriller, as is to be expected. Pike and Affleck did great jobs as did the other actors. The soundtrack is excellent, really created a sense of dread throughout the film and Reznor & Ross are establishing themselves as premium movie scorers.


    Watched the SyFy miniseries Ascension. It had plenty of decent ideas that could be worth exploring but was muddled. I guess it's impossible to get good scifi entertainment.


    i was planning on catching this on dvr today. thanks for the warning (even though i caught a clip of it last night. looked like extant meets 90210 remake meets battlestar galactica remake) :sad:


    It basically got interesting in the last 30 mins or so of the series. And then it ended. Doubt it will be picked up and if they did I don't really know how they would continue it so that it made sense.

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