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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Yeah, I don't get how you could hate Gas. Even if it's basically just looped samples, some effects and a kickdrum, it works so damn well it must be magic. I had a period where it was constantly being played, like it put a spell on me.







    is that fucking ketchup on a hot dog?

    That's the normal sauce of choice here in the UK.

    French mustard is for those untrustworthy types.

    so sorry to hear that
    What goes on an American hot dog?


    ketchup, mustard, relish, and onions.


    I prefer bratwurst though.


  3. Yeah, the brickwalling bothered me and there was some clipping in a few of the tracks. I would think a band like Tool wouldn't allow that kind of shit, considering how well produced and great sounding Lateralus is. It's all Joe Barresi's fault. Although I did like that they went for a more stoner rock sound, but brickwalling it ruined it a bit.

  4. Just turn on/off(?) the BBCode mode, the little switch top left and edit all the useless shit away.


    I wonder what those bad things are they've mentioned. But whatever, a new album is on the way some time. I hope it's more experimental.

  5. so is anyone having a hard time envisioning that Exai was actually made by 2 different people and not just 1? I still can't wrap my head around how such a singular unique vision could be an equal collaboration between 2 different people, i can't make sense of it.. at all.


    Didn't they say in some interview that some of the tracks might just be made by one of them and the degree of collaboration varies?

  6. I swear these files have some weird thing that alters the music in subtle ways every time you listen to them It seems every time I listen to this album I hear something new. Right now it's runrepik, where at 0:46 this distant sound appears that sounds like a field recording or my laptop fan speeding up that I just haven't noticed before. What is this wizardry?

  7. On FRINGE, I agreed it lost a lot of steam after the reset of S4 and the final season didn't really get me excited. I think most of the problems in the last couple of seasons was due to the showrunners not knowing if they'd get cancelled or not. They were lucky to even get a half season to try to wrap things up.



    go to the doctor Stephen. it may just be small seizures but it only takes a single jolt to throw yourself into the oncoming lane. and if you do have epilepsy youll never know when you have a full blown seizure. id rather have no license then be found dead because i was afraid to go to the doctor.

    or kill someone



    Yeah, fuck that. Go get checked out, don't be a selfish jerk. By driving around and having a condition that might make you seizure up you are risking not only yourself but others.
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