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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. I suspect that I might have type 2 diabetes, a truly first world disease. I am constantly thirsty and need to piss a lot. And I am overweight, but have lost a around 6kg without doing anything. It all matches what wikipedia says about type 2 diabetes, except I don't feel constantly hungry. Probably should make an appointment with the student health.

  2. I need to venture into some DMT I think... I only have experiences with the 2C drugs (2CI, 2CE, 2CT7, 2CT2 etc)... and LSD and shrooms..



    would you guys draw any parallels between DMT and 2C drugs or are they completely different beasts?


    Well, the main difference the 2C family is a phenethylamine and DMT is a tryptamine (as LSD and shrooms) so they work slightly different on a neurochemical level. I tend to feel phenethylamines are slightly more "speedier" than tryptamines, but haven't tried phenethylamines that many times as tryptamines to call it. From reading DMT seem to cause a way more intense trip than any phenethylamine. But YMMV.

  3. I think what happens during deep meditation and during a good psychedelic trip is essentially the same. Obviously ingesting a substance is a far easier method to get that peak experience than meditation which needs a lot more work, the end result is some kind of ego loss. Which in my thoughts is experiencing existence in a flow-state where the ego is no longer there to categorize, assess and value the stimulus that in turns gives "complete synesthesia" where all that you experience seem to be one thing.


    In one of my fanciful theories, I see consciousness being caused by constantly going through a state of egoloss and the "echoes" of that point accumulates and creates what we call our consciousness. With the right kind of substances or meditation one can start dismantling that noise and coming closer to that point of egoless existence. It's essentially meta-cognition and with psychedelics it's easier to move among the different levels of cognition. I feel like my consciousness is like a superfluid looping around the different meta-levels. The difficult part is letting go and just surrendering, basically having your ego circle around a drain and letting it fall down. I don't think I've yet had such an experience, or maybe I have, being hard to describe since it's way beyond words or any meaning by definition.


    If there is one point in our history I would like to witness is when whatever creature first got the spark of consciousness or the ability of metacognition. I like to think it was first a jumbled mess of stimuli without meaning that it just reacted to and then it all clicked in it's all fractal glory and patterns and connections emerged and realizing there was an "I" looking at the world that can think about itself.


    Speaking of fractals, they seem to be prevalent in any psychedelic experience which is interesting. Not the fractals themselves, but that they or other form constants seem to occur to everyone. Are they visual manifestations of our thought processes, since seeing sounds as colors and the likes is also common, is it just a form of synesthesia? Same with people tripping on datura often seem to be smoking imaginary cigarettes or imagining meeting people they haven't seen in a long time. Surely it's a sign of some underlying neurological reason this occurs.

  4. I don't like connecting drugs and insight. Insight comes from living life. The most important insight I have ever gotten from taking drugs is that you should never eat loads of nutmeg.


    But isn't drugs a part of "living life". Sure, you can live life without drugs, but having these experiences with psychedelics is just another aspect of this experience we call "life". In my mind life is a psychedelic experience and drugs are just an extensions of that, as is meditation and various other peak experiences.


    All my psychedelic experiences have been good (done just shrooms, LSD and some RCs). Although eating 60g fresh shrooms in Amsterdam wasn't such a bright idea in hindsight. Ended up losing my stuff (and mind) and getting apprehended by the police and placed in the drunk tank until I sobered up. They were nice enough to call me a taxi when I felt sober enough as I had no clue where I was. But regardless it was an interesting experience. Best experience was when dosing 3000mg Piracetam and 2,5 tabs of quality acid one winter. Sitting on a snow covered cliff looking at the sea with all the distant islands shimmering in all kinds of colors as a feeling of oneness with everything filled me. Another time it felt like the universe gave me a hug. Was great. DMT is one drug that I intend to try at least once, otherwise I could live without psychedelics. I feel like they've given me what they can, but of course if an opportunity presents itself and the set and setting is good then why not indulge a little again.


    While psychedelics for some seem to be a way to reach some higher esoteric knowledge, I see it more as a way to explore my consciousness and how it works.

  5. Saw some interview with Carey and he was gushing on how awesome Discipline is. And yeah, King Crimson is a big influence on Tool, they even had KC open for them for a few shows.


    Anyone think that the latest newsletters on their site with stories from The Loft is some coy way of saying that Tool is wrapping it up after the next album (which I still think will come out before new BoC)?

  6. Maybe he walked like a human to the ship, sat down as a crab to create a shocking effect and turned on the camera feed and hoped someone would notice and open the door. It was silly, yes. It's further proof that it was made by thinking up "cool" scenarios and set pieces and not really caring about how it works in the context of the film and Sir Ridley going "BRILLIANT".

  7. Although, just to play devil's advocate (and having not even seen the film!), given that people have now seen everything possible in films, games, and on the internet, would we still react the same as people in the 70s? It's sort of funny how mentally well-prepared we are for aliens now, I think. We'd just be all "goatse xenomorph at 11 o' clock, pffft what an unoriginal design, someone get the flamethrower"


    It's an interesting thought. In the context of movies we are pretty jaded but I think if we ever bumped into a xenomorph after grocery shopping we might react differently.

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