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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. new trailer for Shane Curath's Upstream Color (primer dude)



    looks like he upped his cinematography game significantly since Primer, looks pretty lush, lol

    I have no clue what it is going to be about other than it looks pretentious as fuck.

  2. sort of curious about Fringe, is it paying homage to the X-files in a classy way or is it an overt ripoff of the series? I've heard different things from people telling me to watch it/not watch it. Without bothering to download a torrent, can i watch this on netflix or hulu or something?

    I don't see it as a rip-off the X-files. Maybe the first season could be seen as following the X-files path too closely, they did the typical monster of the week type episodes across the seasons, but they had then found their own stride. Just watch it and judge it yourself. I jumped on the series somewhere around the 3rd season after catching up and liked it very much, but it did loose some of my interest towards the end. Was still an alright show, although at parts a little campy and cheesy but in a somehow charming way. There's not much in the way of good sci-fi on TV anyways.

  3. Joyrex, so are you confirming it has leaked? Also, why have you become increasingly more intolerant of things over the years? Did WATMM contact you?

    I could care less if it leaked or not. And no, I don't have any promos or anything - I can easily wait until March for it to come out.




    So you do care at least a little bit?

    Edit: did Warp contact Joyrex directly?

    No, I haven't had dealings with WARP (or any other label or artist for that matter) for years now - they all distanced themselves from this site when it started to descend into a Something Awful/Reddit knockoff with all the poop humour and porn stuff. That was one of the reasons behind the rule changes a few years ago, but at this point I think my reputation is shot. It was also one of the reasons Snares (privately) didn't want to be associated with this site - the juvenile humour and behaviour of it's members, and my condoning of it. Same for Cylob. Mentioned the same thing with the homophobic slurs thrown around here.



    To be fair, SomethingAwful is no longer a shithole (perhaps FYAD still is, even GBS has improved). They have strict modding, but people are still allowed to be silly/awful in the appropriate places.

  4. If I remember correctly, by the time Oversteps came out, its dedicated thread was ~50 pages long and ended up being 300+ pages long. If the exai thread is already ~100 pages long, then it could be that it will end up being, OMG, 600 pages long. And the whole music world will be laughing at us. Look at these nerds from WATMM !!!!!!!! :facepalm:


    It's only appropriate since Exai is a double album. Double the music, double the hype/fanboyism.

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