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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. I'm not sure I should continue with this one. I think the whole Rita death was a big mistake. It just seems like it's all of a sudden lost its spark that made me continue to watch it. I hope it doesn't stay like this.


    Question to the US: Has the 3rd series of Treme been aired yet over there? It's probably the only season I'm looking forward to the next season on. I think Sky Atlantic will probably show it soon after you guys get it. Oh, and Breaking Bad but I'm putting that out of my mind for now.


    Treme's 3rd season aired its final episode in November.

  2. awesome asym


    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="azatoth" data-cid="1926533" data-time="1357334964"><p>

    Me looking like a mong.</p></blockquote>


    you are not eating a child?


    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="azatoth" data-cid="1926533" data-time="1357334964"><p>

    Me looking like a mong.</p></blockquote>


    you are not eating a child?


    wtf these quotes on mobile??!


    I might have just spotted one that looked like good eating.

  3. you can do it, spratters


    dark coloured clothes are an absolute fluff magnet. covered in blue fluff for some weird reason. the only blue thing in the house is my towel, and how the hell did that transfer onto my shirt? JESUS


    fluff isn't good for your self esteem. how you meant to impress girls with a fluffy shirt?


    I got some black jeans recently (mostly because I want to look like Braintree) and they look good for about 35 seconds before every bit of pet dander and sweater fluff in the world somehow hones in on them.


    Need guidance, Braintree plz halp? Do you carry around a lint roller? Can you somehow charge and discharge your pants?



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