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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. https://soundcloud.com/datathief/solar-surfer
  2. when you post something off topic and the mod removes it
  3. https://soundcloud.com/d-tiffany/so-blue
  4. i took some nice pics of my mum's cats on the weekend, they can go here.
  5. so delet... Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother.
  6. the sun pedaling pure lies as usual. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/09/15/the-sun-newspaper-corbyn-privy-council_n_8138174.html can't look at the page at work though DOH!
  7. i love how this thread is gradually deconstructing itself.
  8. i know right? i was at the waitrose checkout the other day buying my weekly intake of kale and almond milk, and made a really funny joke about the beeping sound sounding like one of the ones from sythacon 9 and the checkout assistant didn't have a clue what i was on about. so i was like "you wot m8? that was toplel" and proceeded to throw kale all over them followed shortly by the almond milk. the phones my managers used to use at barnes & noble made the exact telephone ringing sound from that mental drukqs track (might be taking control) and the first time i heard it it freaked me out a fair bit there was a door at work which when it shut sounded exactly like one of the noises from dark steering. then they fixed it.
  9. i know right? i was at the waitrose checkout the other day buying my weekly intake of kale and almond milk, and made a really funny joke about the beeping sound sounding like one of the ones from sythacon 9 and the checkout assistant didn't have a clue what i was on about. so i was like "you wot m8? that was toplel" and proceeded to throw kale all over them followed shortly by the almond milk.
  10. toasted pitta bread, caremelised onion humus, sparkling summer fruits flavoured water.
  11. i think there is a huge misconception around benefit fraud, in fact (according to my sources) only 0.7% of claims are fraudulent. http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/may/13/welfare-fraud-error-universal-credit but I also read elsewhere that the amount of benefits that go unclaimed balances out even this amount (can't find source).
  12. replies to Cameron's twitter outburst http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2015/09/14/david-cameron-tweets-twitter-replies/
  13. completely, the Tory agenda is plain to see for anyone with eyes. the evidence below is testimony to it.
  14. my translation of this is: "we're shitting our pants, there is a real chance now that all the people who previously voted for Lib Dems, Greens, SNP, UKIP and a shitload of people who have never even bothered to register to vote before will now be voting Labour" ftfy :) haha! very true. Not quite sure about Ukip supporters though.
  15. my translation of this is: "we're shitting our pants, there is a real chance now that all the people who previously voted for Lib Dems and Greens will now be voting Labour"
  16. this is just like a BBQ i had the other day where i invited some Jewish friends, we only had pork sausages and of course they wouldn't eat it. if they were really hungry surely they would have had a bite right? but no they didn't, this is exactly like this issue. on a more serious note, i disagree with everyone on this page's views about the refugee crisis. however i am way to busy to argue with you guys about it, here is a link instead. http://www.aljazeera.com/blogs/editors-blog/2015/08/al-jazeera-mediterranean-migrants-150820082226309.html
  17. i'm hearing some very loud squeaking coming from my kitchen. i definitely have mice. *sigh* PS yeah i'll get a rice cooker, i've tried using all the correct techniques and still end up with sloppy basmati.
  18. we finally have somebody decent to vote for
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