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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. wrap your ears around this you bunch of irreverent jebs
  2. Magic Mike Excel Channing Tatum stars as a stripper studying to be an accountant. Despite it having no relevance to the plot whatsoever he strips and dances around like a twat to shitty music while creating spreadsheets and pivot tables. The climax of the film involes a powerpoint presentation of a stationary company's annual expenditure.
  3. i'm too lazy to make mp3's from my vinyl. this means i have to download it so i can play it on my show. erghhhhhh.
  4. Meta A film consisting entirely of reviews from random youtubers explaining what they thought about it/ why they hate it.
  5. oh shit, my bad. scowling is the new smiling. i just read it in comso.
  6. Blatant vanity shot, bored etc Now I sleep Crap I fucking fucked it up Nevermind I'll sort it latrzzzzzzz
  7. *throws money at the screen* shut up and take my money!
  8. i really want to put that as my avatar now, but i only just changed it. *sigh*
  9. i no longer have dry elbows. *waves wenis in your general direction*
  10. Dance Up/Off/Out A film length version of this nightclub advert, starring Tom Hardy as this guy
  11. Some weird fancy bread marked down to 39p from the Co-Op. It's got herbs and sundried tomato and what-not.
  12. Prison Breakback Mountain Two cowboys are locked up in jail together and fall in love, when they get out they don't tell their wives about it. With no consequences!
  13. Cons-Con Boris Johnson gets confused and turns up to the Conservative Party Conference dressed as his favourite comic character, Pikachu. With hilarious consequences!
  14. still better than all his other films put together by soundtrack alone and not having to hear any fucking awful dialogue.
  15. i saw that when it came out and rather liked it. though the performances were strong and they did a good job of a low budget sci-fi. Realité 8.5/10 future classic guaranteed.
  16. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/oct/05/tennessee-boy-kills-girl-puppies-sheriff it works literally and also as a metaphor
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