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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. i love rabbits, my mates keep telling me i should get one
  2. don't mind me guys, just prostituting my musical taste! *electric boogalloos out of the thread*
  3. i can hear the mweeowr mweeowr mweeowr that it would be making as it contentedly chews away. in my mind, he is called mr meoweykins
  4. lol I hate when that happens Yeah proper awkward after all this time of being practically invisible. I shall get a big head.
  5. everyone's starting to be really nice to me at work and it's freaking me out.
  6. thank you daddy Joyrex, you are the bestest ever. needs a new brown and orange stripped velour track suit thingy whatever-the-fuck-it-is-he-wears-whatever.
  7. To be perfectly honest guys I was really hoping for a 9 hour long field recording of the sound of traffic going round the Smellycunt and Asshole silver roundabout box thingy. Why isn't THIS an option?
  8. cat..cat..whatever that is...
  9. i see your hamster heineys and raise you... a bee bum. this reminds me of a time i was standing waiting for a train at Westminster tube station watching this little grey mouse scurrying around. when the train arrived it zipped up to the platform and dove down into this little hole, it was a tight fit so it wiggled it's little bum and legs to get in. it was pretty funny.
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