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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. i just managed to render my first video edit from Kdenlive. i might just be able to use ubuntu after all...
  2. i don't know about you, but i'd love to see this gif re-enacted by Jim Carrey. oh yeah!
  3. You obviously never watched Watership Down
  4. it's so fluffy i'm gonna die!!!
  5. i have no idea why Korn were so successful apart from that they tapped right into the whole angsty teen music market. similar to the others really. it's all just noise though isn't it? eh?
  6. those fucking bastards Godammit! How very dare they.
  7. pancake with strawberries, blueberries and mascarpone
  8. The Selfish Giant 9/10 this film was absolutely amazing, great performances from all the cast, gripping storyline and beautiful cinematography. however before you rush out and watch it i must warn you that there is a scene which will leave you feeling like your heart has been ripped out through your chest. you will weep.
  9. i have a stupidly large workload as two of my colleagues have been made redundant and we have loads of new processes coming in. 9GAG and this site are the only things keeping me sane right now.
  10. fake pockets *tries to put hands in pockets, can't, pockets are fake*
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