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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmc8bQoL-J0&feature=kp
  2. Yeah I know what you mean Dpek, but in a way it makes sense - the surface being so beguiling and then..
  3. "Oh! It's cool.. not the coffee, the coffee's nice and hot.." lol
  4. Telepathic giant alien monsters with dozens of rotating eyes that could disguise themselves as big people - I had a relationship with one, they got upset when you thought they were weird even if you didn't say it
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAbmfVzPHFg
  6. I had a nightmare that I stole someone's legs in the spirit realm and he gradually noticed that his body wasn't working properly until he began exclaiming "there's a gap in me!!"
  7. oh it's ok, I found a work around - leaving a muted version of the instrument just before the new one comes in
  8. god motherfucking damnit!!! separating out tracks from the sega tracker only to find instruments are effected by envelope and lfo of previous instrument on the channel, therefore EVERYTHING SOUNDS DIFFERENT FUCK FUCK FUCK
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os5IZ6rjj3k unfitting image jesus how did I not find out about bogdan and this album sooner, this is amazing!
  10. lala those are great and I'm sure most people would love them just as they are but if I can suggest an idea - the symmetry is so perfect it renders the forms more uniform and less myriad (?) looking - just small variations in angles of all the limb sections would really bring these to life sorry to be negative, I love the colours and the ideas, and printing on perspex sounds perfect
  11. Found footage? Are we even talking about the same film? Oh, I see, afflicted is that
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