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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. DJ Let's Party! DJnal intercourse DJ come on DJ HSBC Secure Key DJ Beat Hoven DJ oh pleeeaaase suck me off!! DJ
  2. tuna sandwich, cup of tea ealier i had a greggs pasty and a can of coke yep, still english
  3. Thinking back the Hobbit wasn't so bad - but you really have to be able to accept the unrealism of the fight scenes which take about 1.5 hours of the film. You know, the good guys are obviously outmatched but at the same time you know they can't possibly lose, nobody gets tired swinging huge weapons around in solid iron armour, people can knock people out by throwing stones at the enemies head, people can leap up lumps of falling rock etc. etc. - I guess it's like crouching tiger hidden dragon where people can balance on a blade of grass, but you really really have to be able to go with it. Hell yeah Locke!! That film rules I have a Cineworld card that costs £19 a month and I can see whatever I like as many times as I like at any Cineworld in London (referring to the argument about paying to go cinema) It's great because some films are really only good at the cinema, and also you can risk watching random crap you wouldn't normally bother with - which sometimes can actually be really gratifying
  4. hobbit 3 - 5/10 I loved 2 scenes and 1 character, the rest was boring
  5. hoggy

    Now Reading

    No way dude! Both the book and film are amazing. The book is possibly my #1 and the film might be in my top 10. Yes!
  6. uh oh this makes me nervous... why do they need to make this? ghost in the shell is perfect
  7. DJ Hardcore Bowel Cancer DJ Eating Crisps DJ Fat Marble Headstone
  8. robocop rules because of the depiction of the queasy cynical future and the goriness and indifference
  9. really? why did you rate it so highly? sincerely interested in knowing... because it was alternately fascinating old testament weirdness and totally entertaining ridiculous crap and there was a god boy - beware the wrath of the god boy! and oh man the wrath of the god boy is brutal
  10. how come everyone on watmm seems to love this hey it's not just us - martin scorsese loves it too it reminded me of Aguirre
  11. lol. what were you expecting? it's a Disney movie. either watch it expecting a Disney movie or don't watch. I personally still enjoy it because it was one of my favourites as a kid. Jungle Book is the best though. it was on tv at work. some disney movies are awesome - sleeping beauty, maleficent, wreck it ralph cinderella is awful though
  12. it means that usa is north america, not all of america North America is Mexico, USA, and Canada, fyi. my geography is not that great!
  13. Can't the same be said for almost every country? I think more countries are more alike (people-wise) than they think. It is a shame our respective media outlets and governments have so much power to shape how different people perceive each other, because despite the Internet and how "connected" we are, there is still much distortion, stereotype and prejudice. sure - I'd have to think a bit harder to say what defines america uniquely - I was making the more general point that in a broad impression of something as massive as america, you find opposites and contradictions - the combination of excitement and hypocrisy is the first thing I think of
  14. some amazing creativity has come from america, and some atrocious hypocrisy, there are beautiful landscapes and amazing people, and swathes of mediocrity and rampant exploitation it means that usa is north america, not all of america
  15. yeah, just opened in atlanta last weekend. saw it monday. why do you ask? I just loved it so much I'm baffled why ppl aren't into it
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