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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. when you're at a rave and the sun's coming up and people are getting a bit messy it's the best
  2. man I love these kind of sounds so much - on the megadrive and on the adlib monkey island and stuff why is FM so awesome?
  3. DJ Flowerbed DJ Gravel Path DJ Housing Estate
  4. DJ Kanye West Nicki Minaj Beyonce Jennifer Lopez Eminem Kim Kardashian Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie DJ Apple Samsung O2 Coca Cola Ginsters Persil GlaxoSmithKline Unilever Daz JVC Argos Boots WHSmith DJ Fluffy Testicles DJ Wiggly Cock
  5. 10 FOR b=0 TO 1 20 FOR i=0 TO 7 30 FOR p=0 TO 7 40 IF i=p THEN GOTO 60 50 INK i: PAPER p: BRIGHT b: PRINT "DJ" 60 NEXT p 70 NEXT i 80 NEXT b 90 GOTO 10 RUN
  6. lol DJ Drab DJ Horrific Death DJ Front Garden
  7. DJDJ 10 PRINT "DJ ": GOTO 10 DJ Stroppy
  8. DJ forum.watmm.com/topic/48125-i-need-a-dj-name/page-23#entry2227198
  9. why do ppl hate tideland so much? it's a brilliant film Chinatown - 10/10
  10. DJ stooping over a laptop DJ bad back
  11. DJ lick the shit off my balls while I ejaculate and smear it on the decks DJ nice weather today isn't it
  12. in my mind it's the music from the rain scene in Eternal Sunshine
  13. LEGO Goat monster head shame the orange and purple stripes on his neck are not in shot, but I dropped and smashed it shortly after - may rebuild, but anyway
  14. Right! Thats exactly how I feel about Obvious Child and Begin Again - do you think like I do that it's a sign of the times?
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwUj95h-2-k
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwwfGUKFhAk
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