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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. I tried mindfulness meditation - you just focus on your breathing - think verbally 'in' 'out' etc. - if you get a distraction, you focus on it and think to yourself for example 'sound' 'sound' 'sound' or 'i'm thinking about work' whatever it is and then go back to 'in' 'out' as you focus on your chest moving up and down as you breathe. After a while you go to sleep while still awake and I started having strange perceptual things - I felt like I was spinning right and left simultaneously at one point, at another it was like being submerged in some kind of dark warm feeling (my body going to sleep basically) BUT it made me feel crazy (all fragmented and noisy in my head, endless half sentences) (when I was not meditating) - I was really worried for a bit - but later on I did learn to use the skill of being aware of my attention A good kind of meditation is writing 3 pages of longhand every morning whatever comes in to your head - another separate thing you can then do is pick out all the thoughts like 'I'm not good enough', 'I'm careless' or whatever and then convert them into the opposite and write them ten times - 'I'm good enough', 'I'm careful' That's from The Artists Way by Julia Cameron - there's a whole process in there, but that's one technique. The brain drain 3 page thing is very good, it has to be longhand btw I don't do it every day but even if you do it several times and then stop, you start to become aware of repetitive thought patterns, and they become less able to keep repeating, and new ideas can pop into your head Transcendental Meditation is a different one though I think, not sure how it works I think just sitting quietly and doing nothing for half an hour every day might do some good too!
  2. If you live to be old men, will you still make music? If when you die you cease to exist and it becomes for you as though you never existed (the obvious truth as the brain matter in which you exist decays), what's the point in doing anything at all?
  3. Ok, just in case you've not heard them, listen to Honky, Stag, The Maggot (The Bootlicker rules, but not into the other two you mentioned)
  4. =] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-XUW6JciC8
  5. WIll you ever make different kinds of music? (It's hard to pin down the things that hold all your music together exactly, but something about the approach to process is very consistent, and there's something about your music that is so easily recognisable as yours - literally nobody as far as I know does close to the same thing) Does Eutow sound sexual to you? Do you think porn is destructive or fine? Are you into Throbbing Gristle? The Tuss? The Melvins? Tesco have started scanning faces to target adverts, the UK has more surveillance cameras than any other country, the NSA and Google are watching everyone - is it the beginning of the end? Is there anything we can do?
  6. Maynard himself said that putting the fibonacci sequence in a song was a bit sophomoric because the golden ratio is in everything already anyway
  7. never used that, is it a sega tracker thing? i only ever played the console i never tried to make tracks with one Yeah it's a Megadrive sound chip emulator/tracker. If you like Megadrive sounds you might like to know that there is detailed info about the sound chips easily available online - including instruction codes, register addresses etc.
  8. Don't suppose you know why the AM doesn't work properly on VGM Music Maker? (I noticed you love Megadrive sounds) Is there any kind of fix anywhere?
  9. Do you often set out with a specific brief before making music? (Such as 'make a beat which inverts the position of the up and down beat over time' or something like that)
  10. Have you ever played a Casio PT10? Do you enjoy much circuit bending? Toys, toy instruments in particular Have you ever heard voices in your heads? A lot of music (rock and dance in particular) emphasises certain kinds of energetic sounds - acid bass, distorted guitar, amen breaks, hard kicks, snares and so on - I notice that your music has a wide variety of sounds in this respect (as well as some of the ones already listed), including thin, small, clipped, reedy, distant sounding sounds (sounding sounds?) - do you intentionally avoid fetishising particular sound qualities at the expense of others, or is it that you get as much excitement from all kinds of sounds? Do you seek out variety in sound qualities?
  11. Was talking to patternoverlap actually, don't see any cross hatching in your drawing up there ^ ! Or Durer is a good example, where there is cross hatching, it follows the contours of the form
  12. I hope this doesn't offend you pattern but I really think your drawings would be so much better if you stopped using cross hatching Have a look at some Da Vinci drawings to see how he uses single hatching and shading
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbJ63spk48s this album is sounding better and better the more I listen - I had a problem with it at some point here's a track I really overlooked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHX8TXFqRlM ^ wrong picture for the vid, as always
  14. tbh it's only frustrating in a third party kind of way like, if i'm seeing someone trying to explain to someone else what's good about a track and they end up resorting to ill-fitting metaphor or cliche-speak but in terms of us, and process, or playing rob stuff, nah, u can just tell if someone is getting it, there are a ton of unconscious signals i think. or i feel, i mean That makes sense, but I meant that I sometimes get an impulse to act (don't you?), driven by something inspiring, but because of the strange nature of the inspiration, there's no way to act on it, there's nothing that correlates in the real world - it's like watching a film containing the secrets of life but made by aliens, and totally connecting with it it, but then having no way to apply it It's the impulse to act on it more than the desire to explain it verbally I was talking about more It's like that thing Francis Bacon said: “Supposing I was satisfied with what I did? How can you be satisfied, because everything escapes you. You know that perfectly well. You know that even if you’re in love with somebody, everything escapes you. You want to be nearer that person, but how can you cut your flesh open and join with the other person? It’s an impossibility to do."
  15. I'm not sure if you missed my question, it was at the end of the page, if you skipped it deliberately no worries
  16. What do you think might be the effect of extreme cerebral stimulation of listening to for example especially long tracks on Exai? Especially when that stimulation is hard to vocalise or simply emote to or physically express? For example, sometimes when I really love something and find it intangibly stimulating, I find that I have no way to express it to people (a description can't really express 'that thing') - do you ever get this kind of frustration? Do you think it might effect how someone thinks, behaves, feels? To try to clarify a bit more - I'm talking about extreme stimulation with no real world counterpart - that thing where something just 'does something' you can't explain it.
  17. Do you know anywhere in London that plays good music on a Saturday night? (of any sort. it's a selfish question isn't it)
  18. Did the collaboration with Venetian Snares inspire you at all? Was it an over the internet thing? Are you into his music? What you do is so unique - I often get the sense that in your music you are making something which has it's own life separated from this reality, that interacts with itself in it's own space, is that deliberate? Some of your tracks (particularly on Exai) make my legs feel kind of epileptic, do you get any of those kinds of reactions? Do you consider your music to have a stoner sensibility? Do you have a sense of trying to make something 'different' or 'other'?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQpvLjHjE1s
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3XAeg3B0To Makes my hairs stand on end
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxVcrFTzZMs
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGyEd0aKWZE
  23. I'd like to move into a dream reality but unfortunately I'm stuck in the normal reality until I die
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