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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Underwater Welder is a killer book. edit: If you like Lemire, I'd recommend checking out Matt Kindt's stuff, if you haven't already.
  2. No Worse Enemy by Ben Anderson Recounting all manner of Anglo-American fuckery in Afghanistan
  3. Check out Mind MGMT: http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/19-013/Mind-MGMT-1-Matt-Kindt-cover Grant Morrison's new series Annihilator is also good so far: http://herocomplex.latimes.com/comics/annihilator-frazer-irving-crafts-l-a-dreamscape-for-hollywood-tale/#/3
  4. I just don't think any other country has achieved the same ellision of marketing, advertising and politics that we have. Also, only people on the lunatic fringe show up for political events and campaign speeches. The rest of us can hardly even be bothered to vote.
  5. BioShock Infinite was $4.49US on XBox Live, so I'm playing that finally.
  6. There is pretty much no observation about this country that's too ridiculous to be true.
  7. yeah i liked that one too Not being much of a Wes Anderson fan, I was surprised how much I liked this. Great stuff.
  8. Just picked up the first volume of Grant Morrison's Batman run from the public library. The art is giving me mid-90s X-Men flashbacks. Woeful stuff.
  9. All I can think now is "I never prayed to God, I prayed to Gotti".
  10. Captain America: The Winter Soldier The movie that made me ask if I hate fun. No more Marvel flix for me, man.
  11. Yeah, haven't heard the latest yet, but this podcast is crack.
  12. Cormac McCarthy - The Crossing Was going to reply with the same book! what a desperate tale. It truly is. I can't think of any other story that's left me feeling so horrible. And I'm considering re-reading it soon... Great! I read some reviews and it seems is a lifechangin book. But is it a trilogy? Do I need to read others first? I think only Cities of the Plain (book 3) really intersects with the other two. The Crossing can be read on its own. They are all worth your time, though.
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