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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Nice to see people getting on board with The Knick. Great show.
  2. Yeah, we're stuck with absurdly expensive cable packages just to watch the 3 or 4 channels we actually want.
  3. DC handles its female characters appallingly (see: current Wonder Woman run) , but backing down over a run of the mill cover like this is embarrassing.
  4. Total Recall (1990) - First time watching this since childhood. It's amazing how remakes of movies from the 80s & 90s manage strip away every ounce of humor or wit from the source material (See also: Nightmare on Elm Street). This flick ain't Kubrick or anything, but at least it feels like it was made by people and not an algorithm.
  5. Charlize wuz droid http://movies.stackexchange.com/questions/2787/in-prometheus-is-meredith-vickers-a-human-or-android
  6. Oy vey... It's like Killer Mike said in that Adult Swim video, black people don't eat soul food, they eat lasagna. 4real.
  7. Lol... They realize there's is gonna be the first state to go, right?
  8. AZ - I Feel For You: http://youtu.be/i_idK1cC178
  9. Black moon - black smif n wessun: http://youtu.be/zfh3nMFYgnI
  10. Dreaming about what could have been is almost always better than what you'd actually get. Nostalgia's a harsh mistress.
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