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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Nearing the end of Silent Hill 2. This jawn is timeless. ps3 gameplay, Gotta have this game goddamn
  2. Went ahead and copped the Silent Hill HD collection for PS3. I haven't played any SH since the original, so I probably won't notice how badly Konami fucked these games up.
  3. Vangelis - L'Apocalypse des Animaux 8/10 No matter how much Vangelis I listen to, it feels like I've only just scratched the surface. This is some of his prettiest stuff to my ears. Lee Gamble- KOCH Too early to judge, but I "get" it in a way I didn't his previous releases. Sigur Ros - Kveikur I've never listened to this band because hearing music first in commercials kind of spoils the experience of hearing a new record. This gives me some incentive to check their older stuff though. Function & Vatican Shadow - Games Have Rules 7/10 Nice, foreboding ambient record. Already my favorite VS release. Godflesh - Pure JKB's vocals are always a stumbling block for me, but I actually find myself enjoying this more than Streetcleaner. I'm working my way through this band's discography in the run up to their new jawn.
  4. Tubegalore.com You're gonna need a balm for that heat rash.
  5. Woeful. I love ass though. And titties.
  6. Seconded, vigorous Anal copulation is the way to go here.
  7. Glad I skipped Gotham. Do you think it was pilot-itis or just a shit beginning to a shit series?
  8. 'Mondrian, why all you new shit look like space age tablecloth?'
  9. Will trying to play Silent Hill HD Collection on PS3 make me suicidal? I've never played SH 2 or 3, but I'd like to get into the series. I remember loving the original.
  10. Why would anyone care what P4K thinks about electronic music? 'Tis not an area of their expertise.
  11. Can we talk about how many people are still buying Play by Moby in that iTunes chart thing?
  12. Am I going to steal some shit I already paid for, or stew in righteous indignation?
  13. Meh, if the only bagels I could get were the kind you make in the UK, I'd hate them too.
  14. ^correct No director's cut is ever as shit as a James Cameron director's cut Works cited: T2, Aliens
  15. Rewatching The Sopranos, I'd forgotten how funny this show is. 11/10
  16. HHhH (Himmlers Hirn heißt Heydrich) by Laurent Binet
  17. If someone had put a gun to my head and asked 'who is Yung Lean's #1 fan?', I def would have answered 'Ivan Ooze of WATMM'. I'm stunned right now.
  18. The State of the Birds report is wack and depressing. RIP nature.
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