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Everything posted by doublename

  1. My night class will probably be cancelled midway through this long ass train ride.
  2. ^ Have you been reading Jason Aaron's new series Southern Bastards? It's got a similar feel to Scalped and is shaping up to be great in its own right.
  3. Yeah, I had to give up on Orphan Black during season two. What an aimless bore.
  4. The internet is the people and the people demand ganj, goddammit Barry.
  5. How does it compare to other varieties? edit: I read that as "finishes her shit" at first.
  6. You're living in a 1990s American sitcom, mayne.
  7. Image Comics has launched an old-school mail order subscription service: http://www.newsarama.com/23227-image-launches-mail-order-subscription-service.html This is cheaper than buying from your local shop, but still more than a preorder service. edit - I also just finished: Volume 8 of Scalped (Jason Aaron), this shit is approaching Preacher level greatness. Volume 3 of Brian Azzarello's Wonder Woman run, which I think is the best superhero book of the last 3-4 years.
  8. Nice, I'll give the Animals as Leaders album a listen too.
  9. Charles Soule (Swamp Thing) signed an exclusive deal with Marvel, so all of his DC books are wrapping up. Sucks.
  10. This looks like Screaming Mantis from Metal Gear Solid 4.
  11. Damn, I still haven't given that record a proper listen. I'll try to give it a couple spins during the day.
  12. Weed and iddums are like totally incompatible.
  13. Finally getting around to some of last year's better Metal records, I'm really digging the Mutilation Rites jawn and Tekeli-Li by The Great Old Ones. What are some other underappreciated gems (i.e. not Panopticon or Behemoth) from '14?
  14. "Do you think you're giving me a fucking treat, drooling on my fucking nuts?" Best line of dialogue ever uttered.
  15. S1 is the show's peak, so you're probably making the right decision.
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