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Everything posted by doublename

  1. 'Redefines human consciousness for a new generation. Sets a radically enlightened paradigm for the 21st century technoculture. Reifies the cyber-eschaton with Quantum-Pop wit.'
  2. In Venezuela, we couldn’t stop Chávez. Don’t make the same mistakes we did. - https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/27/in-venezuela-we-couldnt-stop-chavez-dont-make-the-same-mistakes-we-did/?tid=ss_tw
  3. Raid in Yemen, first US military fatality of our Last Days - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/29/al-qaida-suspects-yemen-killed-raid-us-commandos
  4. Staying with a friend who's obsessed with Bones starring the guy from Angel and the girl from New Girl's sister. Terrible.
  5. 'Hearing the speeches that ring from your house, one laughs. But whoever sees you reaches for his knife.'
  6. lol I'm like 3 seasons behind in Girls. Didn't even dislike the show, but it dinnae have a 'hook' for me.
  7. Don't forget the special exemption for Christians ("religious minorities") from from predominantly Muslim countries.
  8. Jaysus^ #cuteanimaltweetoff - https://twitter.com/hashtag/CuteAnimalTweetOff?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  9. The fixation on terror has always bugged me. People who live in places no terrorist can find on a map are more concerned with terror than people who could be blown tf up any given day.
  10. The foot traffic near trump tower. The desire to join the New Black Panthers or something. The desire for firearms. Female students crying. Student came out as trans, unsure if related. Increased mailings from Planned Parenthood; I donated to them once.
  11. Newt not only was cheating on his wives, and had been for decades, he also used the exact same 'if she sucks me off it's not cheating' justification.
  12. We aren't due to destroy the last of our chemical weapons till 2023
  13. lol why did you buy muesli with raisins? I tried a new, raisin-free brand last week, but it cost nearly twice as much and tasted stale from day 1.
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