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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Mage Against The Machine (Libertarian Black Metal)
  2. Frank Herbert's prose reads almost exactly like GRRM's to me. Granted, it's been a while since I read either.
  3. Reading: The Power Broker: Robert Moses & The Fall of New York by Robert A. Caro Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Rick Perlstein also just picked up a used copy of Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles And The Imagination Of Disaster by Mike Davis, but idk when I'll get around to it.
  4. I had to turn off Passengers about half way through. Terrible flick.
  5. Yeah, the storyline isn't as prevalent or convoluted as it was in previous RE games (never played 6). The main protagonist is not a part of S.T.A.R.S or Umbrella or anything like that, you're basically just a guy who goes out looking for his wife who went missing years ago and is in the dark as to what's actually going on. Later in the game some of the lore comes into play but I really didn't even care for it that much tbh, it's the constant suspense and creepy characters that keep you engrossed. And dude, try to find a way to play this in VR if you don't have it already. Jeez, they really did just make a Silent Hill game.
  6. Has he made up another terrorist attack? Nothing happened in Sweden last night. https://twitter.com/DougallChops/status/833268073419403264
  7. Goddamn he's having some dude come on stage for a hug. Secret Service doesn't seemed pleased.
  8. 'Blind sheikh' convicted in 1993 World Trade bombing dies in U.S. prison
  9. Norma McCorvey, 'Jane Roe' of Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, dies at 69 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/norma-mccorvey-jane-roe-of-roe-v-wade-decision-legalizing-abortion-dies-at-69/2017/02/18/24b83108-396e-11e6-8f7c-d4c723a2becb_story.html?utm_term=.2ea97ff37447
  10. Ranges from 'Never Trump' Republicans who are horrified to illiterate, gun-toting neo-nazis who adore the man.
  11. FBI: White Supremacist Says He Planned to Kill Jews ‘In the Spirit of Dylann Roof' http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/02/16/fbi-white-supremacist-says-he-planned-to-kill-jews-in-the-spirit-of-dylann-roof.html
  12. lol If ISI[s/L]/DAESH kills trump, the thing after him will be far worse. And all the would-be McVeighs voted for him.
  13. This is an old -- but super-duper relevant -- joint about Trump, his appeal and the 'F-Word': Donald Trump and the “F-Word” "if"
  14. IDK if this was pointed out at the time, but Hill's wonky phrase 'basket of deplorables' may have been an (unconscious?) references to Labor Sec. Willard Wertz calling the Vietnam era draft pool a 'human slag heap of unemployables'.
  15. The president is a one-man Pravda, and anyone who contradicts him is brainwashed. Bubbles within bubbles.
  16. flol I thought season 2 was deece. The novelty wore off long ago though.
  17. Hillary 'gave' the Russians 20% of US uranium - http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/article/2017/feb/16/donald-trump-repeats-his-mostly-false-claim-about-/
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