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Everything posted by doublename

  1. That's exactly how this issue is needlessly politicized. I'm not suggesting they be singled out or detained at airports. I'm suggesting that the failure to re-integrate veterans into society leaves a tiny percentage of them susceptible to radicalization. Most of the examples I mentioned are guys who thought the government fucked them over in some way. For all my distaste for the romanticization and worship of our military, I'm putting the onus on government to hold up its end of the bargain with the people it parades around as heroes and paragons of American virtue.
  2. I don't see law enforcement as the solution to any of the underlying issues of mental health and re-integration into civilian life. They aren't responsible for the waiting lists in mental health facilities, civilian job placement or other social services. I guess my problem is with the way that report was instantly turned into a political football and portrayed as an attack on veterans -- to the point that DHS had to issue an apology for doing its job too well. That kind of atmosphere makes it difficult to have a public conversation of how to prevent/reduce radicalization in the first place, because acknowledging its existence can cost you your political career in some states. IDK... I'm the furthest thing from a screaming eagle superpatriot military cheerleader, but how many untreated, alienated, unemployed and (in some cases) undereducated men with weapons and explosives training do we want in this country?
  3. A little of both - In the 90s the FBI was concerned about the penetration of domestic extremist groups into the military and law enforcement. This from a DHS report called 'Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment' from 2009, but mentioning anything like this in public is deeply taboo. (U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.
  4. Is there any way for this country to have a rational discussion of the idea that (a tiny, minuscule, really very small number of) veterans may be a may be a national security threat? This latest shooting, the beltway sniper, McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Nidal Hassan, Wade Michael Page (Sikh temple shooting), Frazier Glenn Miller (Jewish center shooting)... Lee Harvey Oswald.
  5. ‘I appeal to all the parents in India not to send their children’ to the U.S., distraught father says after shooting “There is a kind of hysteria spreading that is not good because so many of our beloved children live there,” said Venu Madhav, a relative of Srinivas Kuchibhotla, the young software engineer fatally shot Wednesday night. “Such hatred is not good for people.” wpo.st/46qd2
  6. That's basically doing the same, but in an opposite direction. Cherry picking the other way. I'm no breitbart fan (have not read a single piece of them, to be honest), but the reporting on huffpo is pisspoor currently. So I can completely understand why the administration would make this choice. Huffington post was co-founded by andrew breitbart. They are two sides of the same coin.whoah did not know this. what's the story with this? is andrew breitbart like a reverse arianna huffington in terms of how their political beliefs changed? Yeah, Breibart was a fairly liberal guy (according to George Packer's profile of him) till he discovered Rush Limbaugh and Drudge and got out th' matrix. “I marveled at how [Rush] could take a breaking news story and offer an entertaining and clear analysis that was like nothing I had ever seen on television.” The hidden structure of things was becoming clear. That same year, a friend from high school who was worried that Breitbart was adrift paid a visit to his apartment and told him, “I’ve seen your future and it’s the Internet.” [...] 'He’d been living behind enemy lines ever since birth: the liberal fascism of the Hollywood elite, the left-wing bias of the mainstream media, the Nazi-fleeing German philosophers of his Tulane syllabi who had settled in L.A. and taken over higher education in order to destroy the coolest lifestyle in history and impose their Kurt Cobain–like depressive nihilistic Marxism. The left knew what the right ignored: New York, Hollywood, and college campuses mattered more than Washington. The political war was all about culture. A barely employed, autodidactic Gen-X convert with an ADD diagnosis and an Internet addiction was uniquely well armed to fight it. For the next eight years Breitbart worked with Arianna and Drudge.'
  7. No one has ever loved television as much as this man.
  8. America was founded by Jesus... as a playground for Christian billionaires to exploit labor and extract wealth from the weak.
  9. I wasn't feeling Arrival at all. It's exactly the sort of flick I should love, but I found myself rolling me eyes nonstop throughout.
  10. [Football guy] Jameis Winston says he used 'poor word choice' after telling kids that girls are 'supposed to be silent' http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-jameis-winston-students-20170223-story.html The NFL
  11. Limited government, protecting minorities is tyranny.
  12. Trump: What's The Deal? A 1991 doc about the scummy man. You won't really learn anything new here, but it's pretty entertaining.
  13. PBS is putting more and more of their old content behind a paywall.
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