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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Apparently one of my colleagues called Marco Rubio's office today, so she could very calmly explain how and why he's a whore. She got through to someone, but I don't believe the message will be passed along.
  2. It's almost as if 21% of American adults read at a fifth grade level (that's age 10 for you furreners), and 14% of them are functionally illiterate.
  3. Yeah, it's likely time for a new country or a new career.
  4. "Paris...Nice...all across Europe" Get these guys a map
  5. H.R.861 - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency. Sponsor: Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1] Cosponsor Date Cosponsored Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4]* 02/03/2017 Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS-4]* 02/03/2017 Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]* https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/861?r=10
  6. Anti-fascism and street violence don't really contradict each other sadly. Dem man will complete their transformation into Stalinists without ever knowing it.
  7. Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus by Rick Perlstein You ever read any Laird Barron, Beerwolf?
  8. This theocracy ting will be okay if we all become Quakers.
  9. lol this nigga from Queens acting like he needed a safari guide to find black people. Fuck off.
  10. I mean there are loads of articles in the lefty press criticizing him for exactly those things. If anything, I think the liberal narrative was closer to 'he failed us' by living up (or down?) to the Nixon comparisons that come out of his own mouth. Then Trump appeared over yonder hill...
  11. As does the NYTimes editorial board: https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/01/30/opinion/president-bannon.html?_r=0&referer=https://t.co/62R8arzWIn
  12. The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement - https://theintercept.com/2017/01/31/the-fbi-has-quietly-investigated-white-supremacist-infiltration-of-law-enforcement/?comments=1#comments 'In Los Angeles, for example, a U.S. District Court judge found in 1991 that members of a local sheriff’s department had formed a neo-Nazi gang and habitually terrorized black and Latino residents. In Chicago, Jon Burge, a police detective and rumored KKK member, was fired, and eventually prosecuted in 2008, over charges relating to the torture of at least 120 black men during his decadeslong career. Burge notoriously referred to an electric shock device he used during interrogations as the “nigger box.” [...] The report concluded that “lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent right-wing extremist ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States.”'
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