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Everything posted by doublename

  1. For sure, the game continuity was as bad as the movies by the end. Without the lols though.
  2. https://www.twitter.com/BBCWorld/status/832205510732550145
  3. 'Donald Trump says US not committed to two-state Israel-Palestine solution' Asked what he thought about a two-state solution on Wednesday, Trump said: “I’m looking at two-state and one-state and I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like,” he said. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/15/trump-says-us-not-committed-to-two-state-israel-palestine-solution Simples
  4. bwahaha @ "i made you just as how oprah made you" http://i.imgur.com/NuNbW1X.gifv what in the fuck Stitches
  5. Any of you mans read[ing] Lincoln at the Bardo? I ended my preorder (hardcovers are stupidly expensive) and joined the long af wait list at the library.
  6. The ex-wife of President Donald Trump’s labor secretary nominee told “The Oprah Winfrey Show” that he “vowed revenge” when she made public spousal abuse allegations, according to a 1990 tape reviewed by POLITICO on Tuesday night. [...] During the episode, titled “High Class Battered Women,” Lisa Fierstein, Puzder’s ex-wife, said he told her, “I will see you in the gutter. This will never be over. You will pay for this.” Fierstein also said she called the police on him. In the tape, Fierstein does not detail her accusations of physical abuse — accusations she had leveled two years earlier in a petition seeking $350,000 in damages. In that petition, Fierstein said Puzder "assaulted and battered me by striking me violently about the face, chest, back, shoulders and neck, without provocation or cause," leaving “bruises and contusions to the chest, back, shoulders and neck” and “two ruptured discs and two bulging discs,” among other injuries. [...] The judge in the case dismissed the petition on the grounds that Puzder's divorce agreement had already settled all of Fierstein's prior claims against him. "I wound up losing everything, everything," Fierstein said on “Oprah.” "I have nothing. He has a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz. He has the home. He has everything. He was an attorney, and he knew how to play the system." Politico - https://goo.gl/AJ0M2H
  7. https://soundcloud.com/nypl/george-washington-and-the-hyper-partisan-now IDK where else to put this, but I found it a p interesting reflection on GW, the trompe presidency and those 'special interests'.
  8. Steamed cashews You're thinking of of Buffalo wings. Totally worth it tbqh.
  9. I haven't gotten around to S2. I might give it a chance, since I'm not really watching anything these days.
  10. Bulletproof coffee has always interested me, does it result in a burning, greasy anus?
  11. Sounds v promising, but I really dislike High Castle -- and most other Amazon Originals.
  12. Goddamn that American Experience joint on the Oklahoma City Bombing is fire. edit - no pun intended
  13. 2017 memes coming in at an unprecedented pace. What an "lol".
  14. Did they edit out the ending of On The Beach down there? In due time, you too shall burn in righteous fire.
  15. Joe Trudeau... Pretending the US has anything to teach Canada about working women...
  16. - Accidental Courtesy African American musician Daryl Davis has a peculiar, controversial passion: meeting and befriending members of the Ku Klux Klan in an attempt to change their minds and forge racial conciliation, one racist at a time. http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/videos/accidental-courtesy/ - Birth of a Movement Full Film The story of William Monroe Trotter, the nearly forgotten editor of a Boston black newspaper who helped launch a nationwide movement in 1915 to ban Hollywood’s first blockbuster movie, the later controversial The Birth of a Nation. http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/videos/birth-of-a-movement-full-film/ PBS is also airing an uplifting Valentine's Day double feature tonight:
  17. https://nyti.ms/2lg8PrA Finally, some excitement.
  18. wtf is this A former Russian Intelligence officer, who used to recruit and groom KGB assets, enjoying a leisurely meal among friends.
  19. "Kim was an overweight and careless playboy, but also as a smart and open-minded man who was willing to speak out against the family, according to Yoji Gomi, the author of the 2012 book 'My Father, Kim Jong Il, and Me.'"
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