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Everything posted by olo

  1. I have many curiousities about the Trump presidency. But, none more pressing than "will he go through the accelerated aging process as all presidents have?" Or will he stave off the sure loss of the beloved comb-over?
  2. Don't worry, science has already been left behind in MI. In my kids school district, it's considered a "special". So, 1 hour a week. It's sadly humorous when you go to conferences and the science teacher is just hanging out with the music & art teacher. A friend of mine moved to Virginia and said the school system there is even more archaic. They have no idea what an interactive whiteboard is.
  3. The running theme through Atlanta was a sadly humorous payoff. This show manages to juggle comedy & drama very effectively for a 1/2 hour show. The sequence where they were waiting for the jacket to be delivered was tense and beautifully done.
  4. That's always a lol. My kids might be watching something on the family channel in the afternoon, and they show commercials of shows with grisly violence. Can't remember the show, but it always showed a girl carved up in the commercial. I was like "c'mon guys...a little decorum please" To the swearing point, I don't know how F/X is doing it, but Atlanta drops the F and N bombs with no problem. I think AHS has as well. Mr. Robot got away with that too. AMC should get in on that act, because their beloved Negan is neutured compared to the comics.
  5. I worry about this myself. videogames included. I worry to what effect it has on the youth particularly. And if it has any correlation to the particular violent acts they commit. i.e. mass shootings and such. there probably isn't any correlation, all the research done into it shows the opposite, violent crime has been trending downwards for a long time now. I guess it's possible that it could be going down faster if it wasn't for violent media, but there's no evidence to suggest that's the case. Hmmm, I guess being in/around Detroit my whole life I don't see violent crime going down. There's a couple shootings a day here. And many other violent acts commited as well, Guess I'm looking at things from my environment and what I see on the news day in, day out. Just seems like people just don't give a fuck. Way more nowadays than when I was growing up. People are just quick to react, and react aggressively.
  6. I worry about this myself. videogames included. I worry to what effect it has on the youth particularly. And if it has any correlation to the particular violent acts they commit. i.e. mass shootings and such.
  7. huh, I thought the last episode of AHS was more torture porn than that season premier.
  8. Looked interesting from trailer I saw last night. But, with Feb. release will probably suck.
  9. lol^ In my part of town (the burbs of Detroit), I've seen a shit ton more Trump signs up the past week. Like I said last week. I'll believe the polls on Nov. 9th.
  10. It was a callback to the photo paper boi's comical friend ( I forget his name) showed him on his phone. An athlete standing next to an invisible car. Paper Boi told him it was a fake & don't be an idiot.
  11. I tuned into the season premier last night. I thought I must have tuned in late, because the bat-to-brain bashing already took place. Nope, I realized the show was going to reveal the death later in the episode. The showrunners said the show was going to pick up right with the death explicitly! You lying motherfuckers. They fooled me again. Nope, no more twisting of my nipple Walking Dead. I turned this fucking show off after the opening credits & ain't looking back. My dueces are up. Peace.
  12. episode 6 is going to blow your fucking mind.It wasn't that mind blowing, but I had a hunch that's where it was headed after one particular scene where they broke character before. Sorry, my comment was internet sarcasm. Is there a sarcasm emoji?
  13. ^ Lovely. merica is a strange, strange place. Has the creepy clown thing peaked yet?
  14. What I have found strange, I drove through Grosse Pointe last week. A mighty affluent community outside Detroit. I expected a Trump sign bonanza but found the opposite. A ton of Hillary signs. Very odd for a traditionally Republican stronghold. I have seen maybe 2 Hillary signs in my community. Merica.
  15. It's not only rural americans on the Trump train believe me. My daughters friend's moms (roughly mid 40's/ early 50's) are all educated and making 6 figures. The 3 I know, are all aboard for Trump and you can't tell them different. And they're not alone where I live. That big place called the suburbs. I know the polls make it look like Clinton's a shoe in, but I'll believe that on Nov. 9th.
  16. ^ Watch South Park. They'll sum it up pretty succinctly. edit: for a couple posts ago.
  17. Gosling got that "wtf did I get myself into" stare going on. He knows this movie is already a failure. edit: are they gonna play a game of russian roulette?
  18. Atlanta - LOL at the extracting baby piss from diapers montage. Reminded me of the old Breaking Bad montages, a more comedic version.
  19. Opeth - Sorceress, Full album stream http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/opeth-sorceress-album-stream-a7336241.html
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