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Everything posted by olo

  1. I felt the same about the first season. I would say stick with it though. It definitely finds it's footing in season 2 and makes for an entertaining watch. The show was exceedingly up it's own arse, but in a good way.
  2. Mr. Robot S02 - Quality first episode. Nicely filmed & scored. Kudos to USA network for somehow circumventing the FCC & dropping the F-bomb without any censoring. And Craig Robinson? a pleasant surprise.
  3. [youtubehd]XiQkxcWs5jY[/youtubehd]
  4. [sc5]<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/272514866&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true"></iframe>[/sc5] oh for fucks sake, how do you embed SC code?
  5. Nice try Rich, but nothing I'd return to after listening a few times.
  6. Preacher had a decent episode (ep5 i guess). The opening sequence was quality lol. Although the rest of the episode lagged compared to the first 10 minutes.
  7. Oh for fucks sake, don't they realize nobody got time for 20 minute songs. Get with the times tool. The 70's called, they want their prog back.
  8. In the same camp. Sadly the Richard D. James I want to hear isn't the Richard D. James Richard wants to make I guess.
  9. Season 1 - If memory recalls, I thought he was just trying to pin everything on that guy & have him get conveniently killed by cops. (still my least favorite episode of season 1. contrived) Season 2 - Still a hit-n-run and the guy wasn't dead. He was killed in their garage, so murder. Peggy didn't know what he just did. Cops didn't necessarily know any of that either. We did as viewers. We just got to see the puzzle come together. The UFO was a call back to "the man who wasn't there", pretty much what you stated i guess.
  10. The 3rd episode was like this for me. But, the last one I was entertained by. Thought it was pretty funny throughout & really enjoyed the cold open. But, I should qualify this as Cassidy & Tulip's scenes are more enjoyable then Jesse's still.
  11. Oh westboro.... Westboro Baptist Church to protest at Orlando shooting victims' funerals http://www.freep.com/story/news/2016/06/16/westboro-church-protest-orlando-shooting-victims-funerals/86013966/
  12. that's not confirmed. Sounds ridiculous. But, there's several other sites stating the same. Where there's smoke, there's fire I'm thinking. I guess I shouldn't really care, prometheus was a dumpster fire & I expect the same for this. No she's not, she's Rey's transgender father
  13. that's not confirmed. Sounds ridiculous. But, there's several other sites stating the same. Where there's smoke, there's fire I'm thinking. I guess I shouldn't really care, prometheus was a dumpster fire & I expect the same for this.
  14. Major Spoiler For Katherine Waterston’s Alien: Covenant Role Revealed http://comicbook.com/2016/06/09/major-spoiler-for-katherine-waterston-s-alien-covenant-role-reve/
  15. lol. beautiful Seriously love this GIF. Ace fucking work jules. Someone needs to drop the cheetah3 teac with this gif. edit. got the track on youtube synced with gif. perfect.
  16. +2 . Really enjoyed the church brawl. That chainsaw... lols. Digging this show and possibly developing an unhealthy crush on Tulip.
  17. also not sure what to think of Tulip... I get that they'd want a strong female character, but she's a bit over the top comically badass maybe? I think the showrunners wanted her to be more sadistic badassey if I'm not mistaken.
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