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Everything posted by olo

  1. If this is what you're referring to, it would be complete bullshit. They better don't...
  2. This is the one with Hugh Laurie correct? It's gonna air on AMC in the states in mid-april. It looks kinda boring, not the case beerwolf?
  3. Not following jules. You mean the end of the last episode where they shoot him? I don't know, I feel that everybody is expecting Glenn to bite it more so than Daryl at this point. Comic book arc and internet rumblings as to why I say so.
  4. S207 Inflatable - Jimmy comes full circle. Extended use of Dennis Coffey "Scorpio" for a montage. Kinda along last weeks episode, ho-hummy, but things moving along. 5 floaters/10
  5. I thought it was an after effects zoom/motion blur transition myself. This week's episode was decent as well, but how the fuck does Darryl the expert tracker get caught in a ruse like that? It's just an easy way to set up the Negan arc coming in the finale. It was back to characters making dumb decisions to move the story along. My money is their going to pull a bait & switch & Daryl's gonna get his brains bashed out. Everybody & their mother is expecting Glenn. (Hopefully both get it mind you, a nice 2 fer.) + Norman Reedus is on Talking Dead after the finale & getting another reality show on AMC. Make the internets cry Gimple. DO IT. It's also funny in interviews how the actors were sooo gutted reading the finale script. Some didn't want to go to work, some couldn't sleep, some were completely pissed. Bring it.
  6. olo


    FLOL this page. Thanks for the vote, fam. priceless.
  7. Apocalypse looks gay as fuck. There's a ton of reference to draw from. I've seen cosplayers do a better job ffs.
  8. Hi-five. Brilliant observation. It's complete comic book speak including the speech bubbles.
  9. either what phling said, possibly due to her struggling with her husband's death. Or, she was using that as an excuse for Mike to get her a new place. There was never anyone shooting at her house. Kind of ho-hum episode last night sprinkled with with a few nice scenes.
  10. And what's up with Carol having to leave. Again... Come on with that noise, "Don't come after me...", except she should know they're going to go after her. Lame.
  11. I thought it was an after effects zoom/motion blur transition myself. Must have had an intern editing. (use them myself at work, heh) Who didn't see that chick getting got from a mile away... Rosita was on Talking Dead. Damn girl.
  12. Only renewed for 10 mate (lotta $ going to zombies) Why u gotta crush my hopes and dreams fam. This is watmm chen. The place where dreams go to die.
  13. Only renewed for 10 mate (lotta $ going to zombies) u saying theres going to be a walking dead & better call saul crossover?? Well, it is AMC. There's a chance. But, all I meant was they got 2 zombie shows that their budget tends to go to. Walking Dead is their cashcow atm.
  14. Only renewed for 10 mate (lotta $ going to zombies)
  15. Absolutely. I had no idea a law drama could be so gripping for me. A couple of other cool crossovers I read about online - The stock trader Jimmy and Kim scam is the same guy whose car Walt sets on fire. The tequila they order is also the same brand Gus uses to poison the cartel. It's all in the details & cinematography. It just looks & feels good on top of everything else. The scene with Chuck & his wife/girlfriend while they're in bed looked great, (color/filming) especially when Chuck's joke bombed & his face slides into shadow & you can tell he's so f-ing pissed. Those are just a few little things, along with what you mentioned, that make the whole so much better. I find it funny perusing some other message boards about the show & some people thought it was complete filler & slow & only liked the ending. Some even saying it was a jump the shark episode. Couldn't disagree more.
  16. Melania Trump's 2024 campaign is going to be so fucking annoying.
  17. Straight out of a comic book world. His other videos are just as amazeballs.
  18. I wonder what notebook messages they'll hold up when & if Trump gets elected president & these fine, upstanding 'muricans realize Washington DC changes the President, & not the other way around...
  19. Great episode last night. No fat on the bone. Chuck/Kim centric episode with nice work by both actors. The cold open / Chuck's final revelations about Jimmy were money. And man, leaving on Mike's run in at the end with an "old friend from BB". Aw fuck.
  20. I rather enjoyed last nights episode. I liked how the one chick went right at maggie's belly with the knife. Cold man.
  21. Keep it coming america. John McGraw (sucker puncher of Protestor @ Trump Rally) McGraw himself was not shy about defending his alleged actions. “You bet I liked it,” he told “Inside Edition” when asked about the rally. “Clocking the hell out of that big mouth.” Of the victim, he said: “We don’t know if he’s ISIS. We don’t know who he is, but we know he’s not acting like an American and cussing me … and sticking his face in my head. If he wants it laid out, I laid it out.” He added: “He deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.” [youtubehd]DzU3FLZgIhc[/youtubehd]
  22. Damn right. Particularly 13:16 on for me.
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