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Everything posted by olo

  1. I was amazed MTV actually stopped it's normal programming & dedicated the rest of the day to Prince videos/movies. I never thought I would see the day of music being played on MTV again. Fuck man, still trippin' this morning on his passing. I hope the vault of unreleased music sees the light of day. I'm sure there's a few gems in there.
  2. uhm Kavinsky, looks like you're a youngn', time to brush up on your music history a little. This wiki link should suffice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_(musician)
  3. 2016 is a straight up dick.
  4. One of my favorite Prince stories...
  5. No fucking way. Man...if true, a lot of legends gone this year. damn.
  6. ^ Yes, the end. Quality episode all around. McKean was awesome throughout the episode. He brought it. The scene when he's on the gurney especially, his terror was palpable. Going back to Mike, it's a testament to the creative team that you still feel tense as hell during his attempted assasination scene. You know he's in no true peril, but when the insects go quiet, I was all "Turn the fuck around Mike". One of Fring's boys no doubt. They did a talking Saul after the finale, Jonathan Banks is just a badass. It's also amazing how many easter eggs are in this show & how many layers are built into it that I miss. I appreciate their craft. Bow.
  7. The Last Panthers - 1st episode I guess. It aired last night on Sundance. Seemed alright, had some quality to it. I think this show has aired overseas already. Anyone across the pond have any thoughts as to continue watching this show? as in, worth the time that is...
  8. wow...devil's advocate would say, ah fuck it, there's no advocacy for this. picard facepalm.
  9. I hope Chuck makes it. I enjoy his character (McKean has done some strong work imo). But, it could work either way for the show depending where they want to take it...Dead or alive that is.
  10. Yea, a couple things were too convenient, but that's because the finale is next week. Only 10 episodes. Things moved a tad fast last night, but it kind of has to, to finish the story this season. GIlligan wanted more episodes, but not enough zombies, so he only got 10.
  11. EP9 Nailed - Jimmy & Mike's stories are both brought to the tipping point. Each thinking that their plans were achieved without any fallout, only to get a kick in the nuts. Kinda going back to the "No half measures theme" that was introduced in BB. Thoroughly enjoyed the episode. Some really strong scenes that lead up to what should be an equally strong season finale from the looks of it.
  12. lol. Thanks for the recap, sorry for wasting minutes off your life typing that out brother.
  13. Caught the season 2 finale for Star Wars Rebels. Thought it was pretty decent not having seen much of this show.
  14. Watched the first few minutes of FTWD. I fast forwarded to the end of the episode to see if anything happened. All the scenes looked the same from what I could tell through the forwarding. I miss anything?
  15. Had a dream last night that I was in the Better Call Saul universe. I hitched a ride with Jesse from (BB). I was like dude, you're in this show now?!? He was in a shitty red econoline van. They wanted him to look younger so he grew long hair & wore it in a pony tail. They also gave him a touch of acne. I guess those were supposed to make him seem young... We went off to visit Hector. He was a cool guy. Nice crib.
  16. the old rubberhose spike strip gag to hector's car perhaps... it certainly looks like a contraption to stop a car, can't think of another use. thought it's for the truck, as the ep started with the truck and ended with the hose. is "the old rubberhose spike strip gag" actually a thing? Yea, could also be for the delivery truck as well. Don't know if it's actually a thing, but if we see a rise in home made spike strip use, we'll know where it came from.
  17. The Jimmy copying montage was pretty sweet as well. Who knew replacing 2 numbers could look so cool.
  18. the old rubberhose spike strip gag to hector's car perhaps...
  19. Just when I was easing up on my hate-watching, they pull me back in. Bullshit finale on so many levels. It would be a waste of typing to go point by point.
  20. The Donald is unstoppable. Un. Stop. Pable. And it came out yesterday, the reporter his campaign manager supposedly roughed up was a plant by one of Cruz's top donors. Uh-oh.
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