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Everything posted by olo

  1. I started watching The People vs OJ Simpson on F/X last night. Not a film, but I turned it off after 15 minutes because I couldn't buy Cuba Gooding Jr. as OJ. Seriously, it was just ridiculous.
  2. olo


    Aliens are our future selves coming back through time & space to have sex with much hotter women compared to their bug-eyed, anorexic, no-tittie alien counterparts. Guys b guys. am i rite...lel.
  3. I think PBS (Public Broadcasting) generally does a pretty decent job in this regard. Nova, Frontline, etc. No agenda drivel or dumb downed shit for the average american knob, as on other so-called science, historical networks. (Discovery, History channels)
  4. what's the right way? 1) look at what's praised heavily on watmm 2) do the same lel
  5. There were lols in the latest episode where they were at the ski lodge. Set-up like an 80's flick ala Better off dead. You could say they stole this gimmick from South Park though. I watch it here & there, but it's not demand viewing for me. I much prefer Man seeking woman right now on FX.
  6. X-Files Premiere last night - So, so, sooo bad. David Duchovny mailing it in for paycheck/10
  7. ^ that's either a wizard with beard and long eye brows or two angels embracing.. lol
  8. [youtubehd]8i9nahfpuG0[/youtubehd]
  9. Delete, that was awful. olo's post wasn't his finest hour (sent douche chills down the spine) already cringing from that misfire then you come along with the reply from hell. Double dawg dang. Taking small comfort that you didn't put one of those dumb ''heh''s in it. lol. Poorly constructed joke. Wasn't meant as a fat joke, but I see how it came off that way. I meant John Goodman is the monster. Cloverfield being the monster name. My bad guys. My bad...shame.
  10. Alexandra Breckenridge. The only reason to watch season 1. Stop there. (she's unfortnately in the Walking Dead as well. Or, fortunate for those who watch it.) Evan Peters will send you into a rage the likes you'll never experience before or since.
  11. FROFL This country is just batshit crazy. It's amazing how it's like were living in a Simpsons Episode.
  12. olo


    Wasn't that just his default setting? Sadly...yes. touche.
  13. olo


    Tell me more about the jet fuel on Building 7 just caught on fire. It was burning throughout the day & became structurally compromised. I get it's more fun to believe in conspiracies. But, I just don't think our government would be smart enough to carry this out. I really don't. I mean did you see Bush's face when he was told about what just happened? Complete tumbleweeds in those eyes. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2056088/Footage-kills-conspiracy-theories-Rare-footage-shows-WTC-7-consumed-fire.html http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a6384/debunking-911-myths-world-trade-center/
  14. olo


    in response to jet fuel conspirators though:
  15. Really enjoyed it. Probably the best major network show of recent memory. The show was up it's own arse, but still good stuff. I thought they ended it fine for the most part. Brutal ending with the dragon. Knifes always get me squeamish.
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