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Everything posted by olo

  1. olo


    Syro still have me all like
  2. It's well good. Helluva show. Not ready to say better than the first season yet. There was some ridiculously good stuff in the latter episodes of S1. But, with 5 more episodes left, it can definitely get there. Hell with waiting another week. Next week looks just as intense. sidenote: Lol at Nick Offerman tearing up during Reagan's speech. I lol'ed at Offerman asking Lou to ask Reagan about Joan Crawford's crabs and Lou's matter of fact no. Heh. I liked how they hinted at Reagan's failing memory in the bathroom sequence with Lou. He recants a war story from a movie he was in, but can't remember if they made it out alive. Nice touch.
  3. It's well good. Helluva show. Not ready to say better than the first season yet. There was some ridiculously good stuff in the latter episodes of S1. But, with 5 more episodes left, it can definitely get there. Hell with waiting another week. Next week looks just as intense. sidenote: Lol at Nick Offerman tearing up during Reagan's speech.
  4. It's a shame the ratings aren't there for this show. I don't understand what people are watching Monday night. (besides MNF) Or, are people just waiting for things to finish & bingewatch?
  5. fucking lol [youtubehd]au2E2SkMCKo[/youtubehd]
  6. I feel ya. I suppose they were just trying to move that plot along quickly. Or, he's just a badass tracker. I'll forgive em' for that because his scenes were dolla-dolla bills yall. Jean Smart is fucking great too.
  7. Bokeem Woodbine is great. "it's the way you're impolite...Like you're doing me a favor" Great stuff. The UFO thing is a tieback to the Man who wasn't there. I suppose similar themes involved in Fargo as explained by Billy Bob at the end of that flick.
  8. wow, that would be amazing if they pulled something off that cheap. Reminds me of that soap opera from the 80s where a bomb blew everyone up and the episode after showed it was actually all a dream [youtubehd]BqsDKf3FZcI[/youtubehd]
  9. I think he just cut his hand on the knife that was sticking out of that one zombie's back. Yea, they seemed to put a lot of emphasis on that though... implying something more. Whatevs though.
  10. 3rd episode improving on that. Several good sequences. The resolution of one later between Lou & Mike didn't seem plausible. But, it was nicely written.
  11. The actor who plays Nick won't say if Glenn's alive or dead. If they pull that shit & bring him back, seriously f that show.
  12. Damon Lindelof was real sad on talking dead too. Also, watching those dopes run around that stupid town like there's only one way in & out was ridiculous. And I noticed a ton of emergency escape stairwells they could have easily made it to to at least wait shit out until they could get reinforcements. Also could have pulled the old "cover ourselves in zombie guts" ala previous seasons to just blend in. Lame. Oh...Is Rick now infected? is he gonna lop off his hand?
  13. Better not be some BS fakeout, (Nick being eaten instead...they never fully panned to reveal a full torso shot being devoured) Went out pretty wack really compared to some 2-bit characters. But I'll give the show credit, they changed the story up from the comics, so I didn't see it coming.
  14. Hurricane Patricia Camera Stream. Storm surge very soon [youtubehd]4n9QogL9IyE[/youtubehd]
  15. No worries, was just being all "jokey". Fargo definitely isn't gonna be happy though. You haven't seen the drill bit dildo? Happened pretty early in the premier...
  16. Dude...I never thought I would read "I chose American Horror Story over Fargo" on this forum. You got major balls bro. heh. I get it though, there's something intriguing about a demon wielding a drill-bit dildo.
  17. Fargo. Solid. We've seen many of these scenes/set-ups before, but they do it extremely well.
  18. Kevin Smith said it may be the best episode of WD ever. He also said it was in the top 20 episodes of any show ever on TV.
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