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Everything posted by olo

  1. VLR says at 0:07: loony pitchfork.com/thepitch/474-loons/ Posted 3 mins ago3 mins user487363530 says at 0:07: @vlr: ace, good read, they forgot autechre used it as well, on that legofeet lp
  2. i don't see that one in the playlist, where does it fall in the release order? i'm going chronologically in my tracklisting. NM after 17 kids beach
  3. track 36 up. damn. edit: soundcloud says 35, but it's 36. Thought a track disappeared, but no.
  4. Well, Rich is commenting to himself still user487363530 says at 0:20: @user487363530: if i had one of these im afraid I'd have to try and get it to do a 303 riff or amen break in reference to a bird.
  5. lol. Step back from the precipice of insanity mate. edit: Or you're going to get the motherlode.
  6. nope. just a happy coincidence on 35. edit: @ rvll
  7. just posting to get to page 36 to hear track 36. on Mental Telepathy @3rd-armpit: nice1, thnx, this blows my mind everytime, especially how it does chainsaws WITH REVERB, reminds me that anything you can imagine is possilbe in a creature or other entity.www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjE0Kdfos4Y
  8. man, oh, man. 35 pages/35 tracks. just saying.
  9. so....let's take it to 20? lol edit: got your wish.
  10. going to need oxygen soon. the floodgates have opened.
  11. some what of a negative view on it :P lets hope not ! Not trying to be negative, more joking. Just hard to believe all the material being released. It's not computing. Like someone else on here said (and what I repeated a couple of times), if we should believe the title of Selected Ambient Works 85-92, this is the 30th anniversary of his music making. Together with all the old tracks and scans and plans for watmm / Warp and Aphex... Well, these are exciting times! exciting times indeed. I know he mentioned tons of material from recent interviews, but never expected him to just dump it on us. Can't wait for the next thing to drop in spring/summer. Just a deduction at this point. edit: symbonsad is cracking.
  12. Is like Rich physically ok? He's not like ill or some shite right? The amount of material released into the wild these past few months is insane & not very Richard like. Is he getting ready to depart this plane of existence & just cleaning out the vaults?
  13. Some of Red Dragon will be tackled in season 3. The trailer looks pretty. [youtubehd]9kN7fhWnhdM[/youtubehd]
  14. Oh man, C'mon Eastwood...plastic baby? ugh. My Wife's reading the book right now. All I've gotten out of her is that there are chapters dedicated to firearms & he's a good ole' boy. I'll post her final thoughts when she finishes it.
  15. I don't understand why this guy didn't go up the road and try to flag people down before they sped into the wreckage. thought the same thing. A) he needed to get the film & post it. (some of the crashes were brutal, the one car that hit behind the semi, which you cant see, then that truck comes barreling in, grim thoughts that one) B.) I've been in a similar incident on icy roads, trust me, cars were flying off the road left & right, & not sure when, which could lead to you getting seriously jacked. C.) Got caught up in the cra' of it all & didn't think about til a minute after the fact, where he's like "people may need my help". D.) He's an asshole Video definitely needs to be viewed with sound. The gas trucker running out & telling people to run...man...
  16. winter driving in Michigan [youtubehd]W9fI5M6_XVk[/youtubehd]
  17. ^ aw daaaaamn. could be shopped though, tend to do that. EDIT: not shopped. just checked. refer to first statement.
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